Feud Gets Uglier Between "Glee" Creator, Kings of Leon

Rocker branded a homophobe after response to Murphy

The feud between "Glee" creator Ryan Murphy and the band Kings of Leonis getting nasty.
First, the band said they don't want their songs given the "Glee" treatment. Then, Murphy, who is openly gay, gave an interview to The Hollywood Reporter in which he called the band's members a name that rhymes with "glass bowls." That brought a response from the band's drummer, Nathan Followill that has landed him in hot water and branded a homophobe.
“Dear Ryan Murphy, let it go. See a therapist, get a manicure, buy a new bra. Zip your lip and focus on educating 7yr olds how to say f***,” Followill tweeted.
That drew fire from some of Murphy's backers, who smelled homophobia in the snarky response Photos
Followill backed off quickly, tweeting: "I'm sorry 4 anyone that misconstrued my comments as homophobic or misogynistic. I'm so not that kind of person. I really do apologize." 
