The Whole NYC Government Under Investigation Led By The Mayor (Hizzoner)Adams

In a drizzle-wet New York, It's as if the weather knew what was happening to the government of this city. We have at least in my memory the most corrupt government in the city of New York followed only by the Giuliani Administration and before that and my times, the Walker Administration.

Even though New York has such a rich mix of educated people it seems at election times whether for mayor in this city or for Governor the constituents don't have qualified people to vote for. It seems in every election the least qualified people of all political parties are the ones who get the money to make a run. This is what happened with Adams. There were enough flags of caution about him including that he had no experience in management in the broader sense of the word. His experience was, as a cop and that does not count as experience in this city. Being a cop in New York City should be a disqualifying factor for any city government. Even the District attorney or Prosecutor is in doubt that will be alright to manage the city. The last Federal Prosecutor which I already mentioned was Giuliani. His no. 2 man and ex-cop, friend, confidant, and ex-head of Riders Island and the Dept of Corrections was jailed for the same reason and they all got into trouble, money.

Adams, not knowing how the game is played took the money from rich backers some of which might have not made the money by selling girl scouts cookies which was a no-no(don't do it fool) but where he really screwed up was by paying these people with important jobs in the city government. Everything from Police commissioner to deputy mayor and so on. Maybe he thought that these people wanted him to be mayor because they wanted the best for him and the city and once part of the government they would fulfill their jobs with integrity. But People that don't know what integrity is can not be expected to use it. These people started working for themselves not realizing that the feds always have their eye on NYC and there are enough Federal Prosecutors on both sides of the political spectrum who would love to make a name for themselves by jailing any or all of these people.

Just like he is been a lousy mayor in every aspect of the city government not functioning as it ought to be was stupid in not knowing to appoint the people who gave him money to run for mayor. Usually, they appoint a friend of a friend which makes it harder to make a connection. Nope, that is not what happened here.

Federal agents searched the official residence of Mayor Eric Adams on Thursday morning, hours before prosecutors will announce the details of a federal indictment against the New York City mayor.

Investigators have focused since 2021 on whether Mr. Adams and his campaign conspired with the Turkish government to receive illegal foreign donations, and on whether Mr. Adams pressured fire department officials to sign off on the opening of a Manhattan high-rise consulate building for the Turkish government, despite safety concerns.

Damian Williams, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, is set to discuss the indictment at 11:30 a.m.

At about 6 a.m. on Thursday, nearly a dozen men and women dressed in business attire arrived in S.U.V.s outside the entrance of Gracie Mansion, the mayor’s official residence, on the Upper East Side. At least one vehicle had a federal law enforcement parking placard on its dashboard. They carried briefcases, backpacks, and bags.

Many agents were still at Gracie Mansion later in the morning when some of the mayor’s top advisers and his former chief counsel, Brendan McGuire, walked inside.

A lawyer for Mr. Adams, Alex Spiro, issued a statement on Thursday saying that the agents had come for the mayor’s phone, even though investigators had taken some electronic devices from him last year.

In a statement sent by email, Mr. Spiro said: “Federal agents appeared this morning at Gracie Mansion to create a spectacle (again) and take Mayor Adams's phone (again). He has not been arrested and looks forward to his day in court. They send a dozen agents to pick up a phone when we would have happily turned it in.”

The indictment remained sealed on Thursday morning, and it was unclear what specific charge or charges Mr. Adams, a Democrat, would face. It was also unclear when he would surrender to the authorities.

On Wednesday night, several elected officials called for Mr. Adams to resign, including several Democrats running against him in next year’s Democratic primary. Gov. Kathy Hochul has the power to remove him from office; she has yet to comment on the indictment.

But Mr. Adams proclaimed his innocence. “I always knew that if I stood my ground for New Yorkers, that I would be a target — and a target I became,” Mr. Adams, 64, said in a taped video.

Mr. Adams, a retired police captain, was elected New York’s 110th mayor in 2021 after a campaign built on a pledge to reduce crime and bring professionalism to City Hall. His inner circle has been engulfed by federal investigations that have targeted the highest officials in city government, some of whom have recently resigned.

Here’s what else to know:
