“Can My Son Who Passed Away 2 Wks Ago Send a Sign He is Ok?” Page Two


No, he can’t — that’s a major part of passing away. It’s very hard for close family and friends to accept this fact, and that’s exactly why some people are convinced they see or hear signs of their deceased relative. Sometimes living in spiritual denial is much easier than living with the facts.

If you throw a pebble in the water, you undoubtedly have observed concentric circles in the water that grow bigger as they get further away from the origin where the pebble hit the water. Although the pebble is already long gone, you still see (and sometimes hear) the traces of the pebble hitting the water — it’s an echo effect.

That’s exactly what happens to people who have lost a loved one, and who are convinced that they heard or saw signs of their loved one (always saying they are okay, and not hurting): the trauma of losing the beloved family member or friend often echoes long after the moment that person has passed away.

As you were very close to that person, a large part of that person is imprinted in yourself — in some way, that person really is a part of you — and the trauma makes certain aspects of the deceased one surface in dreams, during meetings, when you are all alone and sad — it can happen anywhere at any time, and this leaves a big impression on you.

And if you are in denial — if you refuse to accept that fact that your beloved one is gone forever — you will take the echoes for certainties, for messages from beyond the grave. But it’s actually you trying to cope with the drama. It’s actually really fortunate that your beloved one is nowhere around, and cannot message you at all: imagine the horror of seeing those you left behind in the greatest possible pain.

And that’s why the signs are always good — it is your own psyche which is trying to find a way for you to go on with your life in one way or the other, trying to find a positive side of what has happened.

I find this mechanism much more spiritual than the alternative, by the way. That person is stored inside you, and sometimes tiny parts surface, totally beyond your control. That’s also why someone never really dies, in some sense. The messages come from within —

Through the echoes.

SOURCES: painting by Zdzisław Beksiński.
