“My Son Just Passed Away at 24 Can I get a Sign He is Ok” Page One

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 I have hit subjects of death before but not as specific as this one when a mother asks a question and one has to be moved. However, We all have to remember we are not here forever. We are all going to go which is something people don't think about and some believe they will be around forever.
What inspired me to post the following story about a mom who lost her son and wanted a sign he was ok, not thinking that he was not ok, he was dead. However if one believes there is something inside of us called the spirit, soul, or anything else.
Scientifically speaking we are made mainly of electricity and water. But the interesting part is electricity which makes our brains communicate with all nerve endings and makes us walk, eat, love, and live our human lives.
When we die that electricity goes away but we should know that electricity does not end. Not when we get lightning or when we get electricity to our homes. It's a power that seems to run the universe. When we die it makes no sense to me that the electricity inside of us will disappear. But even if that is true we don't know if we keep our images of ourselves and the memories of whom we were. So that is the introduction to the story and the answer not from me but from someone else. 
The second reason I was open to posting about this subject again is that I had an encounter with a family member that bothered the hell out of me. 
Now let me say I spent 5 yrs of Biblical study when I was a young boy until I turned 18. I have read the Bible a few times. One time to get acquainted as a book and the other times in study book by book. So I do have divinity credentials to hold a position in a church if I was religious. It turns out Im not religious and see religion as the root of most evil on the planet Earth. If you don't agree with me you don't follow much history with today's news of what happened to people in Iran and other places deemed followers of the good. I don't need to remind you how many people are killed every year because they were found to be gay or not dressed appropriately for the taste of the Religious police which in some countries like Iran supersedes the crime police.
I was in a jam because my car was not passing the silly inspection for New York State. It costs $35+ whatever they find wrong which many times is always something unless you appear to be knowledgeable in auto mechanics. It just so happens I have a good mechanic in the family. He is retired from working in the city as a mechanic and Supervisor. He is the husband of one of my nieces.
I called him up and he said bring me the car. So I left the car, gave him $100.00 cash told him anything else I would pay when I picked up the car. 3 weeks later I Picked up the car and he inspected the car and did more, like fixing a bulb on a headlight, and assured me I should keep it not sell it because it was still a good vehicle. But As we step down to the porch he says to me "The blood of Jesus Christ will Save. Jesus saved and he could forgive you and save you>" This man as a kid was in my Sunday school class, now without Knowing much about me except what he hears (we don't keep in touch, I believe because Im gay). So I knew what he was referring to. I have an injury on my lower back and the 40-minute taxi ride to his home made me go into a pain attack. I would have lost the occasion to ask him a few questions and have his head turning but I could not get into a religious discussion with my pain and the guy who fixed my car and was using the occasion to preach to me. Not thinking except he had to know he was doing something wrong. After all, he said because he repeated what he said and then stated "Alright I can tell them this is what I told you." It means someone had told him he had to take the opportunity to preach to someone who could teach him the whole bible, book by book, But he must have been told if he did not take advantage of the opportunity he could be responsible for the loss of my soul.
It brought me to my youth, a painful and confused youth because I was realizing was gay but had to preach those people were an abomination. It took years and an attempt at suicide at 24 that I was able to learn to love myself. Never mind loving anybody else except for sex. Bang bang than you man! I just told him probably when we die will see each other again and he said yes and then he realized he could not see me because I would be in hell. That one was fun! But I stayed with the thirst to set this man right. He has a son who is gay and there are so many gays in our family that we could start a pride walk with just members of my disunited family.
Well, I wrote more than I thought, so I will post the story of the lady wanting a sign from his dead son that he was right. Please go to the next page.
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