Promo.Constable Services Now to Help Gay Officers Just Like They Serve The Straight Ones

Chief Constable Jon Boutcher has been fighting for more officers to fill vacancies in recent months, but a leaked email suggests officers who identify as LGBT+ will get help with promotions that other officers won't.
The PSNI has been challenged on whether some officers seeking promotions are being given an unfair advantage, after a leaked email showed offers of help with revision classes, notes and interview preparation that are only available to officers who “identify as LGBT+”.

On Friday the BBC’s Nolan Show, which first reported the story, said there was “anger” among some officers after a memo was sent out by the force’s LGBT+ Staff Network saying they would only help certain employees, based on how they “identify”. 

The PSNI says its has “addressed our concerns regarding these e-mails directly with the [LGBT] Network”.  An email, seen by the News Letter, emphasises the selective criteria in a bold red font which states “you MUST identify as LGBT+”.  

A copy of a leaked PSNI email offering support for officers based on whether they identify as 'LGBT+'
A copy of a leaked PSNI email offering support for officers based on whether they identify as 'LGBT+'

TUV leader Jim Allister has now written to the Chief Constable about what he says is an “unfair advantage” in PSNI the assessments.  

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The North Antrim MP said: “I have been provided with a copy of what appears to be an email sent to PSNI officers advising that the LGBT Network is offering support for officers going for promotion this year. They advise that they are preparing revision classes and notes but that these are only available to officers who “identify as LGBT+”.

“I write to inquire what support - financial and otherwise - the PSNI provides to the LGBT Network including any contribution to the scheme detailed in this email including details of any classes which will be held on PSNI property. Please also advise how the promotion process can possibly be considered fair and equitable  when the LGBT Network is offering the opportunity exclusively to officers who ‘identify as LGBT+’.”

The PSNI said it understands that emails from the LGBT+ Network were “in response to a request from their members to offer support to LGBT+ officers” and says its “ethos is one of inclusion and we work to support all our officers and staff ensuring we create an environment acting as one team”. A police spokesperson added: “We encourage all leaders across the Police Service to ensure that all officers and staff who want help and support in their ongoing development, including preparing for examinations and promotions, are able to avail of it”. 
