
Showing posts from September, 2024

Then There Was Brainless No 2 Trump Doubling Down on Cats Dogs and Haitians

Trump’s Vile Lie About Immigrants Follows a Long Grim Tradition For The Man

South Meets North at a Gay Wedding in India

He Killed a Transwoman Because “He Had to Do It”Going Away for Decades,[Turn ur Cheeks Now]

The "Little Gay Pub" in Wash.DC Was Vandalized Because Their Support for Kamala Harris

Man or Woman, Straight or Gay, Dating After 40 is Not For The Weak Hearted

NYC Eric Adams Surrounded by Scandal by Appointing His Friends to Power

Transgender Student Proudly Wear His Male Uniform in Havana,Cuba

Christian Conservatives Face The Reality Of Standing Alone As People Disect Their Ideas