Current Situation of LGBTQ in Ukraine

Sophie Cathedral, Ukraine

LGBTQ situation in Ukraine in January – 
21 July 2024 | Situation of LGBT in Ukraine
In the first half of 2024, no noticeable changes were made in the legislation regarding the protection of LGBTQ rights in Ukraine. Consideration of Bill 9103 on registered civil partnerships is blocked by ultra-conservative members of the Verkhovna Rada, who refer to the position of leading Ukrainian churches. At the same time, the Ukrainian government is trying to advance the adoption of Bill 5488 on amendments to anti-discrimination and criminal legislation as a part of the process of Ukraine’s European integration.

Advocacy for the adoption of these draft laws, direct aid to LGBTQ people affected by the Russian aggression, and support for the Ukrainian military remain the main issues for the Ukrainian LGBTQ movement. For the first time since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion, the Equality March took place in Kyiv though being rather limited due to security reasons. Meanwhile, it seems that the intensification of the public activities of the LGBTQ movement and its allies increased the activity of its aggressive opponents — ultraconservative and rightist radical groupings. More incidents of homo / transphobic threats and attacks were documented in the first half of 2024 than in all of 2023.

Sociological surveys, however, demonstrate that the attitude of Ukrainian society towards LGBTQ people is slowly but surely continuing to improve. At the same time, the leading Ukrainian churches consistently declare their irreconcilable homo / transphobic attitude towards their LGBTQ fellow citizens, which is no different from the ideology of the Russian World and repeats the theses of its propaganda in this area.

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