What Planet are Republicans From? by Adamfoxie

Adam Gonzalez, Publisher, writer

As I Tried to listen to a Senator being interviewed in this morning's show, he said that despite innocent people being killed in Gaza and then the children, what can we do? He is asked, He says nothing. Let the Israelis go ahead and prosecute their war. Then Why not allow the Red Cross to give food to the children, elderly, moms, or even just the children? No, because we will also be giving food to Hamas. Hamaa who constructed another city underneath another city in the desert (Gaza) and had the best weapons that I ran can supply. Do you mean to say they forgot to bring food? Whether politicians say that feeding the children and elderly is feeding Hamas is just plain stupid or just like what is going on. He will be stupid because by letting these people die Israel is playing Hamas WAR BOOK. Just like they figure that if they hit Israel hard but not he soldiers because soldiers are there for that, to die. It is so in any armed forces.They are out of a conflict to protect the people who pay them to be soldiers. They hit where it hurts and that is what they did. They committed atrocious crimes to guarantee I Israel ill do what is doing.
They wanted Israel to leave their comfort life and their Irond Dme and some on foot while they observed through short circuit tv where they are and leave Israel with a smaller force and force them to go back weekend and having the world against them, opposite of what was happening with all these countries before all these happened you had everyone in the middle east extending their hands and asking for security against Iran from Israel. That went through the wasted sides,

Coming back to this Senator from Washington and by the way the shell and lots of armaments are manufactured In his state and sent to Ukraine. Now he complains that Israel might be running short (Not true, the US is still sending billions to Israel which are in the pipeline. But his problem is we should defend our allies like Israel. And What is Ukraine? Shop liver? Well, they are Christians, and even though the invasion of Russia might even cost them a change in top leaders, Putin with his twin boys who are in charge of total defense. By helping Ukraine. and had we given them the best we had at the beginning not leftovers and had their pilots leave the F16 back them, Ukraine would have had their skin and no shelling like we have seen destroying, hospitals, schools churches. The Russians not able to kill the very evasive Ukrainian soldier decided to do the Syrain Rope-a-dope. What is the Syrian Rope a dope?? You destroy everything that moves from the air and land without being careful about anything. Of course, there were occasions they would miss the children's hospital so they would come back at night and bomb it again.
Pictures of these are in the Haig investigations unit, investigating "war crimes." 

All that could have been avoided if the US had given Ukraine what it is starting to give now. We also already have Ukrainian pilots trained on the F16, so send them over, Most of those guys are seasoned air fighters, all they need is to get used to the f16. But they know how to fly a fighting jet which they don't have to teach. Many of them said "Немає Biggie"

So The Republicans want the help to go all to Israel instead of Ukraine. Well, it is not going to happen. The Dems have the white house and a very smart house behind their new  Speaker Joaquim and Naancy still somewhere. The Republicans have another bible thumper who wanted to overthrow the government but at least went to the courts not with baseball bats. He is a bible thumper and as I was told by the pastor of my church when I was a child Israel needs to win these wars or the world will be destroyed. That is what I thought Until I studied myself, 5 years of Seminary gave me a degree in Divinity, but no need to call me Dr.Adam or Adamfoxie will do.😝😇👺.

We need to have Ukraine finish off The Russian Vodka drinkers and establish itself as a beacon of Democracy right where we need it. Not in the Middle East but at the doors of Europe WHERE ALL THE WAR WARS HAD THEIR START OR SEED TO START.

