This Massacre of Israel Women and Children is Made me Pause

Hamas murdered 40 Children including babies who were decapitated

I needed to gather as much information as I could even though I was able to connect to fresh sites with fresh information writing about this massacre. I'm very proud that the information was accurate as it was known when reported. Now I need to catch my breath because I just got very depressed to see some tapes and pictures that I could never post nor would I want to post of how these innocent people at the Musical concert were just grabbed without them having any chance of what was going on. Yet that was the beginning. There were more thousand of Hamas that would try to get to the cities in Israel and killed everyone they encountered. 

The army and airforce of Israel now it was ready. Every attack, some with tanks, they unleashed silently towards Israel, thinking Israel was busy shooting down then nonstop missiles coming to the cities. The Dome did great, It is composed of fast missiles with a non-conventional radar system that can take care of hundreds of missiles coming at it at the same time. That is what happened and the system all in all worked and still working because there were still missiles coming in at night. No one sleeps there.
I need time to gather facts and as I always say I'm not going to publish what everybody already knows through the news, etc.

One interesting fact is that they found among the bodies of one of the waves coming to Israel 4  Russians. 
Hamas is a friend of Russia as they put it. I hope they don't find any more Russians attacking Israel. I believed it was Iran that supplied Hamas the weapons but there are sources saying that it was someone else. We will find out.

I am so sorry for those mothers and fathers and the families of those held captive including 20 Americans.
Now the suffering gets transferred to the Palestinians. I am very sorry for that. Those Gaza Civilians have no water, or electricity, and even in the few Hospitals they have they don't have electricity. Israel is saying. to Hamas to return the hostages and the services will start again.
I will continue tomorrow Friday, New York time. 
