Biden, Let's Love Him and Just Hate The Bomb

Gay Boy Dancing for Elder Afghani

Biden swallowed the fish with hook and sinker. He made a mistake which is been carried in the back of many Dem voters. The hook is still stuck in many Americans' throats.
It's amazing a man who served as vice President for 8 years in the Obama administration and knew where the bodies were supposed to be buried sort of speak will make a plain mistake such as he did by Cutting loose Afghanistan before it was safe to do so. Obama did not want to be in Afghanistan but he knew what would happen if he got out. He delayed it. So he toyed by not pulling troops from here and there but nothing really major, keeping in mind there is a limit on how much you can pull out and not put an awesome burden on the troops left behind... But he stayed and I can't believe his vice president did not know why. Obama was politically savvy and he knew this was a hot potato. Maybe the next President should deal with it. It was probably Hillary and she has ner es and other stuff made of steel.

Here comes Trump, the criminality president. Someone who by his own lips doesn't care about soldiers too much, he would not be one. He has used colorful names referring to vets and active soldiers.
But to pull out of there then, Well is better to promise, and like most of his promises are just hot air. At one point he even gave a date which he put in the toilet file with other important memos. Why? He wanted to be loved and this thing of pulling the soldiers and giving back to the people who had tried to destroy the country in the first place.This was not going to play well with the electorate and what if we got a few thousand killed with an ied. These people were not like Noriega the ex-President of Panama when Pres. Bush went after him and brought him to the US to stand trial for drug trafficking. But that was he was a single man and it was money that he wanted. You can always placate people that just want money and you are the government. If they stan on your way you can always buy them out with the money. With Norriega the US gave the money to his Generals and the Catholic church and he surrounded them. They convinced him to surrender after he barricaded himself inside the catholic church. What a pitiful stupid man! In Afghanistan it was different the leaders were religious zealots. hat also wanted money but also wanted more. Yes, they had money and naked boys to dance for them before they took them home but the problem was religion. Religion is the cause of the destruction of so many nations and even today during the Trump administration religious people were praying that this was the guy god sent to be judged by the US. They were tired of working and paying their bills and preaching Jesus was coming. But they felt and some felt they read it in the bible that if things got terrible then God would come back with his judgment. There are a few variations of these but all these Christian-based regions believed that Christ would come back and there would be judgment. I remember a sister telling me that was why she voted for Trump. Actually, the Christians were not reading their Bibles correctly because first Christ comes for his church and only his church. So if you have destruction on Earth praying won't help because in this case you were left behind,  But many believe Trump is the conductor of destruction. Now Who can argue with that?

Coming back to Biden, I believe him to be a good man who has experienced so much hurt and bad circumstances with illness and death in his family that would have made someone else crazy or worse. But he is a strong stubborn man. Now he believed the right thing to do was to bring the troops home for all the reasons he has indicated many times. The problem was that the way it went down it will make the US lose Afghanistan as even a friend for generations and those who helped us would b killed and those who had prospered and believed what the Us was doing would b killed and families raped and destroy. Can you imagine if there was a press there to show some of these events.? They would have insisted the US go back and bomb with the help of the mules, priests, and commandos of the government.
But all we had was some voices like this one to say how can you do this? His answer was because it was right but the thing is it was not right. For some event to be right it has to be mixed with timing. Anything that happens to us individually or as a nation has to be when the timing is right. That's why the government should have kept sending checks during COVID-19. The timing had passed but during the destruction of this Virus, it helped so many stay afloat to continue when the plague was over.

We had enough strength and will to keep the capital, Kabul, Kandahar, and maybe one more major city. Defend them and concentrate on them instead of the whole country. Buy time to do the withdrawal on our time not rush with a deadline that our enemy gave us. But someone told Biden to do it today! He was in such a rush and that is why things came apart. But we had the chance to save so many people and young kids that would fight for this country in the future knowing we saved them had we tried it harder.

Biden has been a perfect executive. But people don't like him. They say he is too old but we've had old and even invalid presidents before. It's just something about him that gets stuck in people's throats, particularly when he talks about good and evil. If you are so good why did you let the people backing us, interpreting for our boys and spying be left behind and experience the worst deaths you can have. I know I do but I know why and I can verbalize it. Most people can because people in general are too lazy to remember events they would rather forget, just like when we lost the war in Vietnam. People even hated the soldiers. They wanted nothing to remind them of the cost of lives and capital to be chased out. People don't see a country that spends so much money on defense being chased out of any place. That is the problem with Biden. I hope people get over it because the people that are going to come against him in the next elections you don't want. You have the opposition party being completely handicapped with no one in charge and the people running the show are the people that started the destruction of their party. They are individuals who rejoice on events going bad because they think they can shine and people will listen to their crazy ideas. Even if it's not Trump I hope for our sake that we get thing thing some voters have against Biden. He earns his money and is a good administrator, and president, Even Russia won't fool around with him. That is because he is a strong president with lots of s experience. None has as much experience as him and we are lucky to have him during these times. Let's forgive him for the mistake he made and judge him for the right decisions he made, Ukraine being one. There he is b building a loyal ally and it cost us peanuts when you look at the money we spend on defense. If it wasn't for Ukraine, not only would we have to buy more brand-new Equipment but it would be our troops fighting the Russians or the Belarussians.
Let's learn to love him and just hate the bomb.

Adam Gonzalez, Publisher
