~ Its Not complicated~Only 5 Answers to a Fruitful, Happy Relationship

Toxicity in a Relationship. & signs or answers of a cheating person:

1.  Cheater~~will cheat. Asked you for forgiveness and it moved your heart. Know that he will cheat again. Whether he knows it or not he will cheat when the right opportunity arises. [I am an expert on this one and I flunked it] 

2. Cheaters Never win~~ They don't win because they never get what they really want. Whether they settled with you or just gave to the temptation, they will always be a cheater who can't be trusted. In fact, the cheater doesn't trust himself and will think you cheat.

3. Find The Truth~~~TruthFinder is a powerful public records search service that can instantly uncover public records and online profiles on just about anyone in America. You just type someone's first and last name into the search box, and it instantly scans millions of public records and online sources to uncover sensitive details about someone's past. Cheaters might be good at covering their tracks, but everything a person does online leaves a digital trail that can't always be covered up.

4. Respected~~You should feel respected in your relationship. Not like a teacher student or parent to offspring but your ideas and opinions even if disagree
 with which alright, it done with respect to where they are coming from. They should be put down gently.

5. Share~~ Share what you have. Maybe not everything but definitely most and starting with yourself. In the moment of intimacy let it be a sharing of the two. The words that you use during intercourse are not important but the sentiment to make the other know this is walking the same road whether on the left lane or right lane not important as long as both are headed together to the same place

Adam Gonzalez

