MAGA YouTuber Stuck Gun in 13 Yr Old Girl vagina to See} if She Had an Abortion?
For those who doubt the corruption of Republicans.
MAGA states are proposing bills that could change the way our nation works fundamentally.
Here is how one law works from Texas.
The state of Texas will authorize bounty hunters who will not be subject to civil rights laws as private citizens, to stop any woman they feel is crossing state lines of any state (not just Texas) and engage in an investigative stop where the woman has to prove she is not pregnant and is not seeking an abortion.
In practice, this is how its will work.
Since the current law does not require background checks, you will be pulled over by a man in civilian clothing who could look like this person. He will have applied for bounty hunter status, armed himself, added lights to his vehicle, and be provided with state documentation that he is a pregnancy termination agent. He will earn a significant bounty for each woman he arrests and transports back to Texas for trial, even if the courts decline to prosecute.
If you do not think Texans will take advantage of a patchwork of laws to earn money abusing girls and women, meet Earl Worden, a hero of MAGA. He was a famous YouTuber who earned thousands of dollars in donations attacking cops and citizens until he was prosecuted and sent to jail for sticking a pistol into a vagina of an underage girl. When he was on trial for this, MAGA rallied to him and donated large sums to him for his defense.
There are endless grifters associated with MAGA who will have no problem attacking women for a potential payout even if the laws are not yet completely on their side. The first hint they can do what I describe and then will be looking for their payday.
You will be minding your own business with your wife and 13-year-old daughter in your car, and a cross between the borders of Kansas and Missouri when these people stop you using a felony stop procedure, as terminating a pregnancy will be a potential death penalty case. They will remove you from your car, put you and your family in handcuffs, then they will produce their investigative tool.
They will then explain to you (if you are a woman) Texas law, which by Texas statute counts for any American in any state in the union. They have probable cause to believe you are crossing state lines to obtain an abortion because you have a uterus. You have two choices. 1. Prove you do not have a scheduled appointment with a doctor in the next six months, or 2. Prove you are not pregnant.
Which is where the test comes in. They will be allowed to observe you as you take a pee test, and if you are not pregnant, you are free to go. If you are pregnant, and cannot prove you will not see a doctor in the next six months where you could have your pregnancy terminated, they can now transport you back to Texas where they will collect the pregnancy bounty and where that state, if they desire, may incarcerate you until you give birth, or charge you with murder if the birth is still.
Whatever happens, these bounty hunters will earn a significant reward for each woman they drag into the state and will be indemnified for their actions by Texas.
Now, we know human nature. No one would ever take advantage of a woman to earn money. Since anyone can become a bounty hunter, and the level of probable cause can be met by having a uterus, and since they get Texas permission to kit up with weapons and engage in high-risk traffic stops, no crackhead bigot would ever take advantage of it for the opportunity to force a woman to take a roadside pee test.
They argue it would be no different that roadside sobriety tests. A cop pulls over someone for wearing across the road, and a bounty hunter pulls over a case because the people in it are of childbearing age. And they get paid right or wrong for each person they return to Texas.
If they pull your daughter out of your car at gunpoint and demand she pees on a stick in front of you and your resist, they can treat it as resisting a felony stop and execute you by the side of the road.
Now, MAGA is going to say there are no such laws, but I will cover up Texas and Idaho. There are dozens of proposals being discussed, and two are actually ready for passage.
Idaho though wants to be fair to women, and Texas may listen to reason on this….
Well, reason means different things. Idaho is proposing that women who wish to travel interstate and are of childbearing age may, with the permission of their husband, guardian, or minister, submit paperwork that allows for interstate travel. Say your daughter wants to travel to college to a volleyball game. There is a risk that the bus could be stopped and the entire team subject to pee tests by the side of the road, with refusals being carted off to whatever state is doing. the testing for arraignment. To protect your daughter you can go to your minister, and both sign a document that attests to your daughter's character. That document could be then taken to an office established by the state to regulate interstate travel of women of childbearing ages, who would then offer a permit to them that could be shown in lieu of a piss test and incarceration.
Currently, Texas criminalizes abortion, even abortion by miscarriage, but Texas law exempts a pregnant person from being charged with murder or any lesser homicide charge for an abortion. Texas law allows citizens to sue people in any state they feel have attempted to have an abortion and earn a significant amount of money even if the suit fails. Texas allows armed citizens to make citizens arrests for capital crimes.
So we have a situation where a citizen could attempt to
1. make an arrest of any citizen of the United States that they suspect of traveling interstate for an abortion.
2. Return that citizen to Texas for criminal charges.
3. Collect a bounty for these actions.
4. Aggressively use a firearm (standing their ground) as they investigate the crime of abortion.
5. Demand proof of any woman that she is not pregnant and not seeking medical attention for a pregnancy.
As the laws start to close in, more Texans may choose to become full-time bounty hunters, crossing state lines and making traffic stops based on the aggressive nature of these and other laws. Police in other states may not have the rather loose definition of freedom that exists in the Peoples' Republic of Texas, and as Texas passes more and more laws against the rights of women to travel and expanding the rights of civilians to arrest other civilians at gunpoint for merely moving across state boundaries, it is only a waiting game until a group of Texas vigilantes, freed from the restraints of the constitution and feeling entitled by Texas statue to kidnap and molest women, gets into an altercation with the police of another state who treat their actions as kidnapping and rape.
Mark my words. When a bunch of Texas abortion vigilantes get killed by Missouri state police during a confrontation, MAGA will not be screaming how terrible it is terrorists where trying to molest women and girls and violate the rights of citizens, they will scream that the police killed white people and start demanding the police “stand down.”
The Idaho proposal called a compromise, is not yet law, but I do not like it either. The idea that a board of MAGA men will get to determine if a girl or woman is allowed to cross state lines, or further, acts to approve health care options or can demand high school girls get regular pee tests for pregnancy, is just sick.
And again, MAGA will scream this all will never happen. Trust us that these laws will never be used to violate rights.
The reason we do not use vigilantes anymore is that they are not covered by the Bill of Rights. A police officer can be charged with a crime for violating your rights. But imagine a person with police powers who cannot be charged and has no reason to pay any attention to the Bill of rights. These tyrannical laws will not just affect women. They will affect everyone at a time when we need police to professionalize.
This post starts with Clarence Thomas, and there is a reason. He is telegraphing to potential MAGA appellants how he will rule and how they can avoid being stopped by other conservative justices.
The people who pay Thomas off on luxury cruises and world trips, pay for his home remodeling and give him expensive gifts, will have all the money they want to get Thomas to support these actions on the inside. Alito is already anti-woman and anti-Democracy. Two votes are two too many for the legalization of vigilantism.
States such as Texas and Idaho are working to create a series of laws that individually pass constitutional muster but together can be used to override basic constitutional norms.
A vigilante bill in Texas will set up extra-state actors not subject to the Bill of Rights paid for their work by recovery of civil sanctions. This removes the Bill of Rights and ordinary search and seizure rules that restrict police from using traffic stops to arrest people without basic charges.
Another bill will make abortion a felony, allowing for felony stops, which will give those vigilantes the right to draw and level weapons at people based on very slim evidence.
Case law exists that could be used to override interstate travel rights, and permit private actors, even those moving across state lines, to apply state law from one state on the citizen of another.
The idea of pregnancy traffic stops by crackhead vigilantes is very possible in the near future.