*ABI Continues The Campaign to Educate us to Recognize a Scammer



Scams are becoming more complicated and many people fall victim to them, these are some red flags to look out for that indicate someone might be a scammer:

  • Unrealistic promises or offers that are too good to be true.
  • Pressure to act quickly or urgency to make a decision.
  • Requests for personal or financial information before providing any details about the offer.
  • Difficulty or reluctance to provide references, credentials or proof of their claims.
  • Use of high-pressure sales tactics or scare tactics.
  • Vagueness or evasiveness when answering questions.
  • Requests for payment by wire transfer or prepaid debit card.
  • Asking for a fee before providing any services or benefits.
  • Lack of a physical address or a professional-looking website.
  • Pressure to invest large sums of money in untested or unfamiliar opportunities.

If you suspect someone is a scam, it is important to take the following steps:

  • Do not provide any personal or financial information.
  • Verify the legitimacy of any offers or deals by researching the company, person or website online.
  • Reach out to friends, family or a trusted financial advisor for a second opinion.
  • Report the scam to the relevant authorities, such as your local police department, the Finrecoup/ org authority, or the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center.

It is necessary to be cautious and skeptical of any unsolicited offers and to do your own research to verify the legitimacy of any offers or deals before proceeding, by staying vigilant and reporting suspected scams; you can help protect yourself and others from becoming victims of fraud.

*ABI } adamfoxie blog Int.
