Bill Maher Finally Comes Out Transphobic and Ignorant Why Numbers of Gays R Up

 Why is there homosexuality↑↑

I stopped watching Bill Maher way back before Pres. Obama's days. I could hear the ignorance that a man that likes to make jokes about LGBT would not want to get informed. That's how homophobes are. The information now is out there for everyone to see. 
For instance {god forbids} Mrs. Maher his mom had Quintuplets but since they were very ugly and she did not think the world will like them she took four and gave them to family in different states telling them she could not afford to have them. Only the hospital knew and but they could not talk or get sued. 
Well, as things improved other 4 Billys started coming out looking for their brothers. So then there were 2, 3 4. and 5. Meanwhile, Mrs. Maher was still young and kept having kids because she was catholic and did not believe in abortion or prevention. So the ugly bad mouth Mahers were all out. So there were more Mahers, so the number never stopped growing or dying which is the cycle of everyone, ugly or not. But they never appeared in big quantities because at this point only his mother was having this problem or blessing if you are catholic, I think
So it wasn't that these kids started convincing other kids to become like them because it was impossible. And only Mahers look like an idiot comedian that would not go to the scientific school and got stuck with what they taught them in the 1960s school system.

That is how the number of LGBT has grown. It is called coming out and being born. I have bumped into kids from school that I never even thought of. But they have come out and even married. Just asl Barry Manilow. He thought he was straight until his penis got real hard at certain men. With one the boner would not go down and he knew that was the an of his life so he married him (I'm making a little fun in this case this idiot read this and can understand it).

I have my own non-scientific reason to believe there is a 20% of gay men (not bio or lesbian) in the world. Whatever percentage nature has allowed being born that way like with anything else like the color of the eyes or hair., is controlled by aging and dying as others are being born others go. I don't think this is too complicated unless you have a small mind that won't even accept it because of earlier teachings, or accept it but with a little problem the racially mixed couples.

This was my answerto this homophobe BMaher. GLAAD also gave a response and is below. Please read.
Adam Gonzalez, Publisher of Adamfoxie Blog Int

Today GLAAD responded on Twitter to last night’s episode of ‘Real Time with Bill Maher, during which Maher parroted inaccurately and anti-transgender talking points often used by anti-LGBTQ activists trying to roll back equality for transgender people:
