20% of American Millennial’s Identify as LGBTQ

GLAAD is posting an online poll which shows a stunning 20 percent of American millennials aged 18-34 “identify as LGBTQ,” 

GLAAD said its third annual Accelerating Acceptance report also noted an increase in acceptance of LGBTQ lifestyles in 2015, citing that year’s controversial 5-4 Supreme Court decision in favor of same-sex marriage.
The organization lamented that such headway was not as evident in 2016, when progress “slowed.”

Activists such as Dan Avery at LGBT entertainment website NewNowNext praised the report, hailing it as a harbinger of “a new openness about sexual orientation and gender identity.”

These results came from “among 2,037 adults ages 18 and older, including 1,708 adults who self-identified as heterosexual.” The poll was conducted online – generally and not one on one.  There are no details provided regarding how people were selected to participate. 

Alfred Kinsey, the notorious ‘father of the sexual revolution’ claimed 10 percent of the male population in the 1950s was “gay.”  It is very hard for those numbers to be verified or discounted because of the amount of men and women that do not feel comfortable either admitting they are gay or sharing that information. Adamfoxie.blogspot.com has always maintained that whatever numbers we get from any source we have to acknowledge those numbers not to be completely true and the actual numbers should be higher. On any poll there should be a disclaimer that not all people that belong to the LGBTQ category would be included. Even today the LGBTQ community is one that is maligned and in some circles in our own USA there are people in government that are working to put this community in reversed in the amount of equal human and  civil rights but more hidden is the constant suppression of numbers making the community appear less politicly powerful that what it really is. In politics is the numbers that count! It took a lot of efforts and lobbying to the past Obama administration to have LGBT included in the census being that we could get a better picture of the size of the community since they would in many cases be filing the forms out in privacy. The next census if this President who pledged to protect the LGBTQ community, just like he promised no lies and an scandal free administration together with health care, is erasing the LGBT from the 2020 Census. Some in the community and mainly outside sing the praises of the accomplishments the community is had and some bloggers ares saying we don’t need the census or numbers to be a free community. Well, under that premise we also don’t need same sex marriage nor any civil rights we have gotten up to this point in this country. Silly🐷🐸 of coarse we need an idea of our numbers because services are based on that as well as Congressmen/women are chosen acceding to the numbers on each district and districts are formed by numbers.

The GLAAD results were derived from a Nov. 2-4, 2016, survey. Some respondents were disqualified because they declined to answer gender identity questions, and no margin of error was provided.

Despite increasing numbers GLAAD stated concerns about the Trump administration not allowing the LGBT community not to be counted in the 2020 census. This is a major set back coming after only one census.
“As the Trump administration begins to fulfill its pledges to move the country backwards, many are concerned about progress made in recent years for the LGBTQ community,” she wrote. “However, this report shows a remarkable new era of understanding and acceptance among young people – an inspiring indication of the future.

“Though laws can be unwritten, hearts and minds of America have been changed for the better – and that is a reality less easily unraveled.”  

The poll also indicated:

12 percent of millennials identify as transgender or gender non-conforming, meaning they do not identify with the sex they were assigned at birth.

Older generations largely use the words “gay” and “lesbian” and/or “man” and “woman” to describe their sexual orientation and gender identity respectively, millennials appear more likely to identify in terminology that falls outside those previously traditional binaries.
And while levels of “discomfort” with alternative sexual lifestyles declined 3 percent from 2014-2015, they were unchanged from 2015-2016.

**The following is GLAAD’s survey as reported on their web site:

% of people who identify as LGBTQ by age group
  • 18-34  * 20%
  •  35-51  *12%
  •  52-71  *7%  
  •   72+       *5%
Sexual orientation & gender identity by age group

  • 18-34   *20%
  • 35-51  * 12%
  • 52-71  * 7%
  • 72+     * 5%
Total Pop 12%  


*1*Young people appear more likely to identify outside traditional binaries such as “gay/straight” and “man/woman”
While older generations of LGBTQ people (people ages 35+) largely use the words “gay” and “lesbian” and/or “man” and “woman” to describe their sexual orientation and gender identity respectively, Millennials (people ages 18-34) appear more likely to identify in terminology that falls outside those previously traditional binaries. This could again be attributed to increased cultural acceptance and media visibility that oftentimes allows for an earlier and more sophisticated understanding of sexual orientation and gender identity as spectrums. Indeed, GLAAD’s Accelerating Acceptance 2017 survey shows this heightened sophistication is shared among non-LGBTQ Millennials, significantly more of whom report knowing someone who identifies beyond the traditional binaries of “gay” and “straight” and/or “man” and “woman” than generations before them. Interestingly, non-LGBTQ Millennials are also significantly less likely to know someone who identifies as “gay” or “lesbian” than generations before them, ergo indicating that their LGBTQ peers largely describe themselves in words outside more traditional binaries.

(The following table was copied from the GLAAD website without manual changes)
Strictly heterosexual
             84% 91% 94% 98%
Cisgender 88% 94% 97% 97%
Bisexual 6% 4% 2% 1%
Agender 3% >0.5% >0.5% 1%
Asexual 4% 1% 1% >0.5%
Gender fluid 3% 1% - -
Strictly gay/ lesbian
              3% 3% 2% >0.5%
Transgender 2% 1% >0.5% -
Pansexual 2% 1% 1% 1%
Unsure/ questioning
                2% 3% 2% 2%
Unsure/ questioning
1% - >0.5% -
Bigender 1% >0.5% 1% -
Queer ----
Genderqueer 1% 1% - -
% of people who know someone who is:
Gay or Lesbian 73% 18-34 65%
Bisexual 29% 18-34
43% 34%
Transgender 16% 18-34 18%
35-51 17% 52-713% 72+ 17%
Gender fluid 5%
18-34 35-51 52-71
72+ 1%
Queer 8% 18-34 12%
35-51 8% 52-715% 72+ 11%
Bigender 4%
page4image42784 page4image42944 page4image43104 page4image43264 page4image43424 page4image43584
35-51 74%
52-71 78%52-7119%
page4image44416 page4image44576 page4image44736 page4image44896 page4image45056 page4image45216
72+ Asexual 7%
18-34 10% 35-51 7% 52-71 6% 72+ 1%
Genderqueer 3% 18-34 6%
35-51 4% 52-71 1% 72+ -
Pansexual 6%
18-34 35-51 52-71
72+ 2%

Agender 2%
10% 5%
18-34 35-51 52-71 72+ -
9% 4%
page4image52728 page4image52888 page4image53048 page4image53208
12% 5%
page4image53960 page4image54120 page4image54280 page4image54440 page4image54600 page4image54760 page4image54920 page4image55080
page4image55688 page4image55848 page4image56008 page4image56168 page4image56328 page4image56488
18-34 35-51 52-71 72+ -
3% 2% 1%
Unsure of/questioning gender 9% 18-34 13%
35-51 9% 52-71 7% 72+ 6%
page4image59528 page4image59688 page4image59848 page4image60008 page4image60168 page4image60328 page4image60488
  •  *3,4*
Young people are much more likely to be allies of the LGBTQ community
To better understand how support for the LGBTQ community differs across society, GLAAD has split non-LGBTQ Americans into three segments based on respondents’ comfort levels across seven surveyed LGBTQ-related situational questions. GLAAD’s segmentation is defined by the following categories:
• Allies: Non-LGBTQ respondents who were either “very” or “somewhat” comfortable in all situations.
• Detached Supporters: Non-LGBTQ respondents whose comfort level varied across situations.
• Resisters: Non-LGBTQ respondents who were either “very” or “somewhat” uncomfortable in all
Studies show that people who personally know someone who is LGBTQ are more likely to support LGBTQ equality. Given that Millennials (people ages 18-34) are more likely to openly identify as LGBTQ than generations before them, it is perhaps no surprise then that Millennials are also more accepting of their LGBTQ peers. GLAAD’s Accelerating Acceptance 2017 survey shows that Millennials (people ages 18-34) are much more likely to be Allies of the LGBTQ community, while older generations -- though still mostly comfortable with LGBTQ people – include larger numbers of Detached Supporters:
1. Millennials (people ages 18-34) are most likely to be Allies (63%), with Detached Supporters (23%) and Resisters (14%) making up the remainder of the age group.
2. Although Millennials are the most likely to be Allies, the majority (53%) of Generation X (people ages 35-51) and the majority (51%) of Boomers (people ages 52-71) are also likely to be Allies.
3. Elders (people ages 72+) are most likely to be Detached Supporters (45%), with substantially fewer Allies (39%) than other generations -- but a similar number of Resisters to Boomers (16%). Elders’ level of discomfort with LGBTQ people is wide-ranging in its disparity:
Segmented non-LGBTQ population, by age

Acceptance of LGBTQ people remains high, but progress has slowed since the historic SCOTUS ruling on marriage equality
Perhaps the crescendo of progress for LGBTQ legal equality in the United States came in June 2015, when the nation’s highest court ruled that every American has the constitutional right to marry the person they love. GLAAD’s Accelerating Acceptance 2017 survey shows that while acceptance of LGBTQ people remains high, progress has slowed since the landmark Supreme Court ruling. Whereas the number of Americans who reported feeling “very uncomfortable” or “somewhat uncomfortable” with LGBTQ people declined on average by 3% from 2014-2015, rates of discomfort largely went unchanged from 2015-2016. This is not wholly unexpected, however. The 2015 U.S. Supreme Court ruling, as well as the preceding court hearings, attracted massive media coverage, the likes of which were largely unprecedented in their scope and reached millions upon millions of viewers with stories of loving same-sex couples and their families. This saturation
of the media with stories of real LGBTQ people in 2015 could explain the significant attitudinal change for acceptance observed between 2014-2015, which also underlines the media’s impact on hearts and minds. As the media’s spotlight turned to the U.S. presidential election in 2016 and LGBTQ people became less visible
in national news coverage, it is not surprising then that attitudinal changes slowed between 2015 and 2016. Overall, acceptance of the LGBTQ community remained high, with roughly two-thirds of Americans reporting that they are comfortable with their LGBTQ family members, coworkers, and neighbors.

Non-LGBTQ pop. uncomfortable in given situations

  • Having LGBTQ members at my place of worship   2014    2015   2016
  •                                                                                    26%     22%    22%

  • Seeing an LGBTQ co-worker’s wedding picture
  •                                                                                     27%     26%   25%                                                                            
  • Learning a family member is LGBT
  •                                                                                     32%    27%    27%
  • Learning my child’s teacher is LGBT
  •                                                                                      30%    29%   28%
  • Learning my doctor is LGBTQ
  •                                                                                      31%    28%   28%
  • Seeing a same- sex couple holding han
  •                                                                                      36%    29%   29%
  • Learning my child had a lesson on LGBTQ history
  •                                                                                       37%   37%   34%

  • *6*
    • Allies: Non-LGBTQ respondents who were either “very” or “somewhat” comfortable in all situations. • Detatched Supporters: Non-LGBTQ respondents whose comfort level varied across situations.
    • Resisters: Non-LGBTQ respondents who were either “very” or “somewhat” uncomfortable in all
    Professed comfort across the seven surveyed LGBTQ-themed situations (see page 6) was used to segment the non-LGBTQ population. Compared to 2015. we see no significant change in the proportion of each segment. About one-half of the non-LGBTQ population are Allies, whereas about 1 in 7 are Resisters.

    Change in segmentation                                 2015                                         2016
     Allies                                                                51%                                          53% 
    Detached                                                            35%                                          33%                       
    Supporters                                                          35%                                          33%
    Resisters                                                             14%                                          14%

    GLAAD’s Accelerating Acceptance 2017 survey shows acceptance of LGBTQ people has reached historic levels, particularly among Millennials. Perhaps because acceptance is more common than ever before, young people are now more likely to openly identify as LGBTQ while also rejecting traditional labels and seeing the world in terms that are beyond a binary. This “identity revolution” likely spurred by increased cultural understanding and acceptance also indicates that many young people today feel freer to be themselves and thus likely to lead happier lives.
    Still, nearly a third of Americans remain uncomfortable with their LGBTQ family members, coworkers, and neighbors. And as the Trump Administration turns America in a new direction, one that leaves many people fearful that their rights and wellbeing may now be in danger, will cultural acceptance of LGBTQ people continue to rise and will young LGBTQ people in particular continue to feel safe to come out and simply be who they are?
    Regardless of what measures the Trump Administration takes either to roll back or advance progress
    for equality, GLAAD will remain on the front lines in the fight for full acceptance – building on the organization’s 30-year legacy of leveraging the power of the media to change hearts and minds until all LGBTQ people can live the life they love.

    Appendix: Definitions of Terms
    • Gay/Lesbian: experiencing sexual attraction to the same gender
    • Bisexual: experiencing sexual attraction to more than one gender
    • Pansexual: experiencing sexual attraction to people of all gender identities
    • Queer: experiencing sexual attraction in a way that does not fit into the previously mentioned, dominant norms
    • Asexual: not experiencing sexual attraction
    • Cisgender: strictly identifying with the sex you were assigned at birth
    • Transgender: identifying with a gender that does not correspond to the sex you were assigned at birth
    • Bigender: or identifying equally as both genders
    • Genderqueer: identifying outside of, or beyond, the binary of female and male
    • Gender fluid: identifying as male, female, and/or outside the binary at different times

    The tables above have been constructed using GLAAD information.,  You can always check with the GLAAD website: http://www.glaad.org/files/aa/2017_GLAAD_Accelerating_Acceptance.pdf

    All information is the best to adamfoxie.blogspot.com and we are gladly to share it with you. The be inning introduction before the tables start is been written by adamfoxie publisher.
