Flatten your belly with new information from studies: Dr.Oz
In the mood to blast belly fat and boost weight loss? Dr. Mehmet Oz says he has the answer for flattening your tummy with the newest discoveries. He revealed them on his talk show Monday, including tips on high-fat dairy backed by a new study.
When it comes to stubborn sags and fat bags, belly fat ranks on the top of the list of hard-to-budge spots. Dr. Oz says one key is to implement safe solutions for boosting your metabolism and thus accelerating weight loss. But if you think that means cutting fat, you're wrong.
Dr. Oz advises avoiding fat-free and low-fat foods, because they often replace fats with sugar. He recommends eating Swiss cheese, which is high in calcium, to flatten your belly.
And a new study supports his claim that full-fat dairy foods are safe. Researchers challenged the theory that eating dairy foods high in fat, such as cheese and butter, increase the risk of dying, reported Medical Xpress on Monday.
After completing their study, they found no risk of cardiovascular disease or other problems. Instead, they discovered that high fat dairy is healthy, said dietitian Therese O'Sullivan.
"Dairy fat has been shown to increase the good cholesterol in the blood," she revealed. In addition, the beneficial bacteria can "help with our gut biome," which has been shown to boost weight loss.
In addition to dairy, Dr. Oz recommends healthy fats such as avocado and olives. And to season that avocado, try hot sauce, which Dr. Oz says boosts your metabolism.
Another metabolism booster is green tea. Dr. Oz recommends two cups a day.
Seeking a supplement? Try L-Arginine, which helps your body burn more fat when you exercise. In addition, use acacia powder to stay full and cut down on your food.
For weight loss weapons, eat foods high in water, says Dr. Oz. Examples include cucumbers, watermelon and strawberries.
Do you suffer from carb confusion? You're not alone: Many dieters are unsure about the difference between "good" carbs and "bad" carbs.
Dr. Oz recommends choosing sweet potatoes to replace carbohydrates made with white flour. They’re high in fiber (but skip the butter and marshmallows).