A Religious Group Displays a Pro Nazi Swastika over the beach

A religious group flew a banner with a swastika on it over Coney Island and the Rockaways on Saturday.
The Raelian religion shelled out $2,000 to rent a plane to pull an advertising banner aimed at changing minds about Adolf Hitler’s Nazi symbol.
The banner was part of what the Raelians call “International Swastika Rehabilitation Week,” which ended Saturday.
“By keeping the negative connotation of the swastika and linking it to Hitler, you only give credit to this guy’s monstrosity,” said Thomas Kaenzig, a Raelian spokesman, who believe the symbol arrived on Earth millions of years ago — on the same spacecraft that brought our ancestors. “It’s very important to reclaim it and explain to the public that this symbol has a beautiful origin,” he said.
But locals disagreed.
“Whenever I see a swastika, I think about white supremacy,” said Arverne resident Cuauni Lee, 46, who saw the banner in the Rockaways.
“It was horrific,” said Ariel Creamer, 14, who saw the banner near her home in Belle Harbor. Several of her relatives were killed in the Holocaust, she said.

 If you write down all the words that you hear from pulpits, literature and followers of any religion group and then go back and cross-reference those words with what the  Nazi’s used you will find a unique resemblance and in most cases is the same word.
Some of those words are purity, giving your life, heart, being. Only one way to obtain our means, supreme, for ever,  homosexuality, eliminating, perfection, dying for the cause,leaving you parents and family if they oppose, we have the truth, only one way to be save, a new generation, destruction of the world, etc ., etc.

 If you understand the religion movement in this country or the world is very simple what they are looking for and the tactics that they use are similar to the nazi’s just like the Church of latter day saints that do it in the open, others tend to put butter, cream or anything the listener likes or might have a phobia against it. They will threaten you with accidents in your life in which you might die, with unhappy empty life (without jesus). Excommunication and lastly Dante’s hell. 
Adam Gonzalez
