"Tatum’s azz sculpted out of ivory” Adam Scott Says

Adam Scott Shirtless
Adam Scott, who you might recognize from Parks & Recreation or the most excellent Party Down, recently did an interview with Details, during which he prodded his interviewer, saying, “You don't have fun at work? You work for Details. You sit around and talk about hot dudes like Channing Tatum.”
Channing Tatum 13 Loading...

“That guy looks like he was sculpted out of ivory,” he said. “If they made casts of asses to sell at adult stores for people to have sex with, they would use his ass.”
If they made them? You mean he doesn’t know?
Anyway, the actor quickly realized that perhaps he had gone a bit overboard and that the fastest path to never seeing Channing Tatum’s ass again might just be talking about it to Details, he quickly apologized and went back talk about his career so far, his current movie, and… well, the difference between “a shower and a grower.”

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