Kim Kardashian to Kris } 'You Are Making This Divorce Hell'
Kim Kardashian, Kris Humphries

Fame Flynet
Kim is going on the offensive, accusing Kris of trying to force him to pay her off – “He’s out to humiliate her,” says a source.
Kim Kardashian wants her divorce from Kris Humpries and she’s tired of waiting for it. She, her momKris Jenner and other sources from Team Kardashian have come out swinging in the new issue of Us Weekly. “Kris wants to hurt her? He’s doing this to humiliate her, plain and simple,” one of Kim’s pals told the mag.
What he’s doing or NOT doing to be precise is to sign the divorce papers that Kim filed after 72 days of marriage. Kim and her team accuse Kris of deliberately holding up the divorce to “get her attention.”
“She would grant a divorce in a second, but he won’t sign the papers, he won’t let go,” accuses a Kardashian source.
And yes, it’s true that Humphries has not made it easy for him to get the divorce. He has filed for an annulment of the marriage based on fraud. Humpries’ sources have maintained that he believes he was induced into a marriage which was never mean to be “real,” and that he was used for financial gain by Kim, who stars in the reality show Kourtney & Kim Take New York, in which he agreed to co-star.
An annulment would void the iron-clad pre-nup that Kris signed and would enable him to seek a financial settlement from his ex-wife.
And that’s exactly what Team Kardashian believes he wants. “Kris wants money and he wants fame,” one of them accuses. “His strategy is to keep leaking nasty items about her to the press until she caves and gives him money,” another told the magazine.
Of course, Kris himself hasn’t said one word to the media about his divorce, carefully avoiding all such questions on a Good Morning America interview with his mother, Debra Humphries, on Dec. 9, 2011.
But then neither has Kim. “I’m so ready, emotionally, for this chapter to be over. I want to leave it in my past so I can start fresh,” she now tells Us Weekly.
Kim maintains that she’s been lying low, going to church and working out twice a day to the Kelly Clarkson hit “Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You)” and says that she’s kept her lips zipped about Kris and the divorce.
But to be clear, following the split, a relentless spate of weekly magazine cover stories slamming Kris appeared, quoting Kardashian insiders, including… umm coincidentally, Us Weekly‘s Nov. 22, 2011 Husband from Hell cover story, in which Kris was accused of “belittling” Kim and trying to control her by “bringing her down.”
There was also the matter of the divorce papers being leaked to TMZ, minutes after they were filed in court. Whereas, Team Humphries insiders have been quoted far less in the press.
Now Kim says her months after the divorce filing were “the toughest thing I ever had to go through and that she was inconsolable.”
Well one thing’s for sure – the Kardashian/Humphries War is far from over! Stay tuned.