Problems of A Gay Kid

I was going through Tumbler and I hit the below comments from gay kids. Posted here as I read them:


"I’m not going to answer the messages I’m getting because I’m too emotional at the moment but you can keep sending them if you want. I’d just like to explain why I basically posted about all these things. This is a reason why I don’t follow the tag POAGK because it kills me so much when I read hurtful negative things towards me. POAGK is like my baby. It’s something I made so people from around the world can open up about every single problem they have and they can get it out and I can give them advice and help people out, help young teenagers out and help even kids my age and possibly even older. These are submissions, mostly every single post, from other kids around the world. I’m not whining or complaining about anything and neither is anyone. It’s just something that is here so people in the world don’t end up repressing things and making themselves even more depressed. I honestly take things to the heart way too much because I’m all teary eyed right now from reading the hate on that guys blog. This is a reason why I don’t judge people or judge anything because I don’t like how it makes me feel when I’m judged. I’m going to sign off POAGK for the night because I’m just going to keep posting more emotional semi depressing things. I’m okay when it comes to constructive criticism but when it’s downright rude and hurtful and slightly ignorant to what the actual idea this blog is about just kills me. I’m just a normal guy and have feelings like everyone else.. I can’t help it. Have a good night guys. I’ll be back tomorrow. I love you all." 




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