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Obama Credits Outgoing Mike Mullen For DADT Repeal

I could not agree more with the tittle to this posting!.  You see when I saw Adm. Mullen get up in front of the Likes of McCaine and say that it was dishonorable for the military to ask men//women to fight and give their lives; but at the same time it asked them to lie, which goes against everything the code of conduct of the military stands for. I was caught by the surprise of his moral compass towards the issue and how he was committed in seeing it end.  I knew then that DADT was in critical condition and was being kept alive by men and women with no moral compass towards the military and this country. adamfoxie*  


President Barack Obama on Friday credited outgoing Navy Admiral Mike Mullen for the repeal of “Don't Ask, Don't Tell,” the recently-ended 18-year-old policy that banned gay and bisexual troops from serving openly.

Obama made his remarks during a hail and farewell ceremony at Fort Myer in Arlington, Virginia in which Mullen's responsibilities as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff were transferred to Army General Martin E. Dempsey.
“Put simply, despite the stresses and strains of a hard decade of war, the military that Admiral Mullen passes to General Dempsey today is the best that it has ever been,” the president said.
“Soon women will report for duty on our submarines and patriotic service members who are gay and lesbians no longer have to lie about who they are to serve the country they love.”
“History will record that the tipping point towards this progress came when the 17th chairman of the Join Chiefs of Staff went before Congress and told the nation that it was the right thing to do,” he added.

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