The Time Change back to Standard Time occurs next weekend. At exactly 2 AM Sunday morning, Nov. 6th, we’ll move the clock back to 1 AM. That means we gain an extra hour of sleep. It also means that this coming Saturday is a great night to PARTY!! It also means that someone will show up for church Sunday morning an hour early, and might have the brief feeling of panic, thinking the Rapture had taken place and they were the only ones left! For someone used to going to bed around 4 AM, it’s a little harder to get up and going when the alarm goes off for church Sunday AM. I go to church first hour and work in the church nursery second hour. We had 10 kids in the room yesterday, inc. two sets of twins. One teen helper today (a high school senior), remembered me playing with her in the nursery when she was little (probably 2). They grow up so fast…enjoy ‘em while you’ve got ‘em. This week before the time change, we have the latest sunrises of the year. That means that a lot of kids will be waiting in the dark for the school bus. The sunrise on Saturday, Nov. 5 is 8:22 AM. I see that
Russian President Medvedev has decreed that clocks will not be changed this year, and will remain on the summer time “in order to relieve the stress of changing clocks”. Much of Northern Europe set their clocks back this past weekend. Today (Monday, 10/31) we get 10 hours and 21 minutes of daylight. That shrinks to only 9 hours and 33 seconds (at the G.R. Ford Airport) on the Winter Solstice. The Winter Solstice is at 12:30 AM on Dec. 22 EST. That means that the Solstice occurs on 12/21 in the Central, Mountain and Pacific Time Zones. Depending on where you calendar was made, it might show either date for the Winter Solstice this year. Temperatures lag the position of the sun by about 4 weeks, so our coldest average temperatures come in the 2nd half of January. Finally, when we change the clocks, we remind you to check/change the batteries in your smoke alarms.