Mass Demonstrations Across Texas Tomorrow Demanding Marriage Equality

While we've never dated a Texan, we can assume by the actions taking place across Texas tomorrow that the saying "Everything is bigger in Texas" is, indeed, true. Find out what nine different cities have in store to protest anti-gay lawmakers like Governor Rick Perry.
On Saturday, October 15, Austin, Brownsville, Corpus Christi, Dallas, Harlingen, Houston, Huntsville, Odessa and San Antonio will unite in the struggle for marriage equality.
From public and boisterous marches and rallies to intimate and symbolic marriage and committment ceremonies, the nine cities aim to send a message to their leaders that all families deserve equal protection and recognition.

"The doors to religious-based ceremonial weddings are wide open for same-sex couples throughout our state as more and more religious leaders are supportive of marriage equality for LGBT Texans," says Jay Morris, co-lead organizer for GetEQUAL Texas. "Unfortunately, the doors to the house of justice have been slammed in our faces, and 1,138 federal rights provided by marriage are denied to our families due to state and federal regulations like the Defense of Marriage Act. Today, we are protesting that state and federal inequality and drawing attention to the need for pro-family laws that will provide safety and protection for ALL Texas families, including the over 17,000 children being raised by same-sex couples in Texas."

Various other organizations in Texas are participating and helping to organize specific local events, including PFLAG and The First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin.

Below are public links for each of the events:

Corpus Christi:
San Antonio:
Make some noise, Texas!
(Image source)
