This is Called the "Adult Red Fox" Endangered and so are we

Word from adamfoxie*:
Thank you for keeping us alive one more week. Our and mine resolve is strong and even if our site would have to discontinue, at least one of us will post one good story a day from his/her ipad from somewhere.  
Thank you for reading us...there are times  (minimum 4 hrs per person 6 for Adam)  in which we donate towards this religion. 
The need is to give you the most current gay related news that comes out the wires. We use networks AP,NBC and most important Google and others. We are flexible enough to get that to you very fast and if you have noticed what you read today at adamfoxie* you will see tomorrow at gay news and days after at regular news. On politics and war we wait because we know you are being bombarded with it. We try a different approach from a different angle
This is the way to keep us as good friends and live friends for

1)Keep us in business by clicking on us and our commercials, wether you buy or not.
2) Contribute $20 bucks for our advertising program( does not exist as of today) we will give you a completely free/free our fox logo tshirt.  This way you get something and we get about $9.00 dollars to help us stay here where we are.
What do u say???????? Help us and we we will be by you>If there is something we not giving you like  is so easy to leave a message on any post. It will not be broadcasted it's for us in a private manner.

Come on and get the shirt..its a nice shirt. The Volunteer staff wears it and Adam wears it. It's sexy and non sexual at the same time. Does not mentions sex or anything to do with anything except the name of the site, logo and url toadamfoxie* blog International
The price of two drinks..hey please help!
