Marcus Bachman Aware of Everything Gay, Does Not Know What Silver Fox' Means

The New Yorker profiles Michele Bachmann this week, and in the extensive piece, her husband Marcus makes it clear he's aware that some people, including Jon Stewart, think he's gay.
Marcus's sexuality has come under scrutiny in part because he reportedly practices controversial "pray the gay away" therapy at his Christian counseling clinic. Recordings of Mr. Bachmann calling gay people "barbarians who need to be disciplined" have surfaced, and last month activists responded by "glitter bombing" Marcus Bachmann's clinic.
With the attention on whether his extreme antigay sentiment betrays his closeted homosexuality, Marcus is apparently concerned about appearing gay. In the New Yorkerstory he worries that the moniker "silver fox" might be "something gay." Ryan Lizza writes in his article:
Marcus Bachmann plopped down on the seat next to me, in the back of the plane. He pointed at my laptop and asked if he could take a look. "All I want to know is what they’re saying about me," he said. "Newsweek came up with the word 'silver fox.' Tell me what 'silver fox' means."
"Do you want me to tell you honestly?" I asked.
"Oh, don’t tell me it’s something gay!" he said. "Because I’ve been called that before."
Marcus was reassured when he found out it had to do with the color of his hair, and said the nickname was "better than Porky Pig." Do you think Marcus can pray away the gay rumors, or will the public and press keep speculating on his sexuality so long as his wife is a frontrunner for president?
Source: Getty
