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Frank Caprio Loses Endorsement Of Gay Marriage Group: He Can't have it Both Ways

Rhode Island democratic gubernatorial candidate Frank Caprio on 
Thursday lost the endorsement of the state's largest gay marriage
 advocate, Marriage Equality Rhode Island PAC (MERI PAC).
The reversal comes after Caprio, 44, tweeted to his followers on the
“Gay Marriage: In favor of it going on the ballot, would sign it into law if
 it passed the general assembly.”
In an email to backers titled Caprio Can't Have It Both Ways, the group
 withdrew its support of the state's general treasurer.
“We are completely opposed to any ballot initiative,” Patrick Smock, chair
 of MERI PAC, said. “History is clear. The question of civil rights for a
 minority group should never be placed in the hands of the majority, 
who already enjoy all those rights, privileges and protections.”
“This is the first time we have heard Mr. Caprio take this position and
 we are shocked,” Smock added.
“Favoring a ballot initiative and supporting the legislative process are 
two completely different positions. Mr. Caprio can't have it both ways.”
The group continues to endorse independent candidates Lincoln Chafee
 and Todd Giroux, along with Moderate Party candidate Kenneth Block.
Former U.S. senator Chafee is the front-runner of the three-man race
 that includes Republican John Robitaille, who does not support marriage 
equality. Caprio slipped from his leading position after saying that
 President Obama, who is not endorsing any candidates, could “take
 his endorsement and really shove it” during a radio interview earlier
 this week.
Legislators in Rhode Island have considered a gay marriage bill every
 year since 1977. Supporters are banking on a pro-gay marriage governor
 to help build momentum in the next legislative session.
