Ricky Shacked up with Eduardo Varestequi
Ricky Martin Shacked Up With Who???
Filed under: Gay Gay Gay > Latinolicious > Love Line > Ricky MartinScandalous … and slightly ironic.
Since Ricky Martin's parade
out of the closet, folks have been trying to figure out how long he knew and who his past lovahs have been.
We found one story in the most recent edition of TV y Novelas to be rather interesting.
According to soruces, back in the day, when Ricky was livin la vida straight, he was actually shacking up with Eduardo Verastegui. You may known his as one of Mexico's hottest model exports, but we know him as the guy who was the spokesperson for a series of terrible TV commercials
against gay marriage. These commericials aired during the time Prop 8 was being considered and was targeted to Hispanic voters in California.
We hope this isn't still going on, Ricky. You deserve someone much better!
[Image via WENN.]