Reach inside of you, you could find the means to what you are searching.

When you are down and thinking you are at the end of the road; I have experience that if you reach inside of you and look closely at your believes and what type of person you are and want to be. You will find something, you give it a name, not me. You will find something that will give you the power to wish and work and think. That something you find will be the key to finding what you need.
No, it's not religion at all, but it could be spiritual. Even if you call your self a non believer, which is cool too. It's a matter of reaching your power inside of you, which is the power that makes you walk and your brain be activated by electrons, etc. That electricity is power. It could make you believe in you and the power that hold everything together(not talking religion). That can make things happen for you. Open avenues that you did not see before.
I can only talk about my experience and that has been it. Ever since I was a boy. Time makes you forget, especially is things are going well. But on the time of need, when the road signs say: "Closed" You will find a way.
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