Speculation on Donald’s Wether It was a Bullet, No Indeoendant Medical or Police Reports

Lots of Speculation wether it was a Bullet that Hit The Don, No Medical or Police Reports, Donalds’ Word

Blood is visible on Donald Trump’s hand as he withdraws it from his right ear.
 After clipping Mr. Trump, that first bullet appears to pass him and strike bleachers off to his left, where scores of his supporters are standing, the analysis suggests.
How The Times uses visuals to investigate the news. Our Visual Investigations team comprises more than a dozen journalists who combine digital sleuthing and forensic analysis with traditional reporting to deconstruct news events. They have uncovered important details about drone strikes, police shootings, and the Capitol riot.
 A puff of debris captured in a video snippet appeared to show the impact point of that shot — right beside a rally attendee, David Dutch.
  “The puff visible at the back of the bleachers appears at the time of the first shot,” Mr. Maher said.
 Mr. Dutch appears to have been injured by the second shot, which was fired along a similar trajectory. He winces as it rings out, and then crouches down as the third shot passes.
 Another video indicates that the third bullet hit a crane near Mr. Dutch.

A 3-D model of the rally grounds produced by The Times shows the positions of the shooter and Mr. Trump, and the point where the first bullet hit the bleachers.

The model and the trajectory analysis show that the bullet traveled in a straight line from the gunman to the bleachers, clipping Mr. Trump on its path. This suggests the bullet was not deflected by first striking an object that would have then sprayed Mr. Trump with debris.Adamfoxie Blog and NY TIMES

