{Two Truths Win Out} Newt Talks Like a Preacher Lives Like A Porn Star

Placed by Truth Wins Out (truthwinsout.org), a non-profit organization that fights anti-gay religious extremism, the ad headline reads, "New Gingrich talks like a preacher, lives like a porn star," and highlights the former Speaker of the House's three marriages and two known affairs.
The Truth Wins Out ad is certain to ruffle Gingrich's feathers, since his senior campaign manager recently scrubbed references to the GOP presidential candidate's infidelity, marriages, and Tiffany's credit line from Wikipedia. Still, Gingrich attempts to present himself as an upholder of "family values" out to protect the "sacrament" of marriage. His address to CPAC, the annual political conference attended by conservative activists and elected officials across the U.S. where anti-gay rhetoric flows freely, is certainly intended for him to score points with opponents of marriage equality. But Truth Wins Out Executive Director Wayne Besen finds CPAC's embrace of "bizarre."
In a statement regarding the ad, Besen wrote, "It takes breathtaking chutzpah for Newt Gingrich to deny loving, committed same-sex couples the benefits of marriage that he has enjoyed three times. The bizarre embrace of Gingrich by CPAC proves that modern conservatism is not ‘pro-family,’ it is simply anti-gay."
Check out the complete ad below. Then watch the delightful "Three Little Wives of Newt" sing-along video created byHerBunk.
