FaceBook Reinstates {Man of The Day} Site

Let's not beat around the bush: Facebook continues to share a double-sided-standard with conservative groups, as evident in the social network behemoth's latest anti-male/anti-gay suspension. 
L’Homme du Jour, or Man of the Day if you're not an Obamacare-supporting socialist, was briefly suspended on Friday following the posting of the above picture on the popular gay page. Along with its suspension, page moderators received a notice reiterating Facebook's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, which forbids the use of sexually-explicit images.
But this picture of male model Leo Silva? 
Ray Clark, administrator of the Man of the Day Facebook page, is tired of Facebook's double standard. "I think that the removal of this image is outrageous, we live in a modern society where people (and especially women) are allowed to wear even skimpier and even less than what is shown in this image," he said in a statement to Pink News. "This image contains no nudity nor is it sexually suggestive."
“On numerous occasions we have advised Facebook that we are committed to adhering to their community standards and have asked them to clarify exactly what is and isn’t acceptable, but of course they remain mysteriously silent on the issue," Clark added. 
Following complaints, Facebook reinstated Man of the Day within hours of its suspension, though it issued no clarification for why the page was removed in the first place.
Clark has his suspicions, however. 
 “I think that what is really happening here is a planned and strategic attack on our page by conservative and/or religious groups who are against anything other than an overall.
“But this will only serve to encourage us to post more and more content of this type.”
Well at least Facebook's anti-gay/anti-male page suspensions are being reversed in increasingly shorter time frames, right? Progress?

Written by Jonathan Higbee 
