
Trump Hugs The Defendants in Jail Who Wanted Pence Hung

Uganda's President Refuses to Sign Anti LGBT Law

When You Say Swanson Frozen Chicken Think Tucker Carlson Swanson and the $1.He Got from His Mom

99 dogs and 70 Cats and Trump StillđŸ’“ Putin

Judge Gives Trump a Warning Would He Control His Mouth?

Tucker A Russian Favorite was "Taken from the Airwaves" (Russian Honcho)

"I'M Here Because Donald Trump Rape Me"

Tucker Carlson a Non Binary Anti LGBT Sour Man Is All Magas Deserve

U.S. Sues Tennessee For Banning Health Care to Transgender Kids

Supreme Court says It Has No Problems and Nothing to Fix ,All Tone Deaf to the Events

Along with Free care at Certain Hospitals in England Some Will Get Raped, All Included