
Federal Judge Overturns the Dassey Case of "Making a Murderer”

Agreement Reached with US-Russia to Reduce Violence

A Teachable Moment by Trump Adviser exNYC-Mayor Giuliani

False Claim of Trump’s Assertion Briefers Disparaged The President//Clinton

Did Putin Call Trump Brilliant? The Translation is more like ‘Payaso’ or Colorful

Gay Vicar Says Church of England “An Embarrassing Mess!”

New Polling Released Shows It is Tighter than a Tight End

Trial for Grindr Gay Men Killer

$25K to Bundi Not to Investigate Trump}Claimed as Tax Deduction by Trump

Is Hillary Blowing her Lead?

Trump Trial on Rape Delayed for Pretrial Conference

911 Calls of a Gay Black Man Being Beaten by Hassidic Jews /Heard in Court