
Zimbabwe’s New Constitution Protects LGBT Rights but Police, Machetes and stones can’t read

US Gay Attitudes in Afghanistan and Now in Syria Seems to be Unsupportive of Gays

Russia Believes ISIS Could Swallow Taliban Becoming Even Stronger

10 HIV Clinical Wins for 2015 and a tool box for good Sex

25 Celebrities You Didn’t Know Were Republican and Very Conservative

History Repeats: WWII, Japanese-2015 Trump, Muslims

In Cameroon is ‘Ok to Kill Someone…If Gay’

Who is Spreading HIV? ‘Young bi and gay' No Meds No Tests

Following events how do you currently view Muslims living in America?

Trumps Calls for Blocking All Muslims [Graph Asylum Seekers in the US by Origin]

Canada’s Immigration and 6 More Reasons of Why an Immigrant Might not be Gay