Scarborough and Mika Kissed The Donald's, They've Showed Up with Brown Noses
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Joe, Mika, and their star-crossed relationship with the president.
Yes, They Tried it before after Donald won the previous election in 2016 and they showed up at the White House after being invited by The Donald himself. Donald is a lot of things but he is not forgetful about anything he perceives as bad. They most've said something he didn't like, I missed it. The funny part is when they are formally introduced as guest to the President he makes A JOKE ABOUT HER RECENT FACE LIFT. He asked her if she was still breeding. Only the Donald can find the right words about want to be unless he finds them on his side. He saw something he didn't like. They did not seem loyal.
On the next episode Joe and Mika could just not find bad things to say about the Donald,
but when did they notice? They were rejected as "yes" people and I tell you that I too.. When you got your tongue out there, Im told when the butt is taken away they were supposed to tongue the embarrassment is very very real.
But no, they did not repent but starting bad mouthing Trump for all his bad things The Donald promised he was going to do. They say they are building bridges (my word). But you don't build a bridge with something as evil as this man has proven to be time after time.
Yes Many Americans are like them, just like they liked Hitler, then and now. There is a history here of People's blunders by letting the evil get on top. Tell me Trump is not as described by people that voted against him.. Uninformed bad hearts people you can depend they always follow history without knowing is the bad side of history. They always repeat themselves . A 51% to 49% in favor to the Donald until we find out what they did. It will slowly come out.Maybe too late to make a difference, we will have to see.
For all these years it's been that way. I usually stop by for 5 minutes maybe 6 about how they see things.
I would not want them close to me, they can't be trusted because this two change in depending on the wind direction and speed.
What happened at Mar-o- Lago with Trump and the Scarboros? Nothing he gave them 30 minutes which was enough for them to be floored since they have never been this close to a President-elect before. They said they discussed abortion, Trans rights and a bunch of 30 minutes. But the invitation as the Donald knew was enough to bring them to his side. That's all. Now they won't be putting him down unless they are in danger of getting cancel, maybe?
But is amazing that people who were supposed to be a mouth piece for democracy and decency got impressed by a lawless President elect who is done it all and never is done a day of jail in his life. Always squealed out of legal situations. In 30 minutes of talking nothing but pleasantries such as cigars and shit they decided to change their reporting. Next is to see who leaves the show or stays.
Adam Gonzalez, Founder Adamfoxie Blog