Ukraine and Biden

Tomorrow or when you read this today, I will be going on into Ukraine, HOW HIS VISIT IS GONE and why when Russia unloads the tactical nukes they say they have on the Belarus border, what the Republicans in the House of Representatives will do. 

President Biden again made one of the blunders going back to what he knows. If you have a lot of experience, it is very good but if this experience is made when the world is a different world one has to be flexible to learn new stuff. Biden has not been a good student on this subject.

He should have figured out that his fear of Putin, like he had during the days of the USSR is no longer the same. Yes, they still have the nukes but so do we. Our policy is been not to let the USSR coward us into a corner. President Kennedy was at the lynchpin of this policy. He sent out ships to intercept any ship breaking the blockade which would only be the Russians. They hid their tail and split.

So since those days, we would not let the Soviets toward us. Now is putin but as you see the same flag of the communist party that was flown In the Soviet Union is flown union except there is only one man, not a committee who got rid of Nikia Krushev for giving in to Kennedy and starting the whole incident which made them look to say kindly, stupid and innocently.

Those F-16S should been flying since a year ago and some generals off the record will agree with me, and on the record for retired ones. 

Every weapon system the Ukrainians asked for was either turned down at first or just put on the back burner. 

Had we done for Ukraine what the US Airforce and the Joint Chief of Staff say about any confrontation that should be handled like the war in Iran or WW2? You take over the skies. You can't shoot a war as an infantryman said when you got bombs raining on you. Besides that when Russia could not find the Ukrainian fighters, they went to Hospitals, schools, and homes of Ukrainians. Why? to let them know who was buss and to take their spirit of fighting away from these civilians. As stupid as Putin is so as his ideas and such a thing never happened. But never in history has the United States been eye to eye with a very weak man who cares more about his possessions than any Ukraine or anything else. He plays a game to put Russia back to the days of the Cazrss but Russia Killed all of these people from the Babis to the czar.

 So how strong is this man? Only as strong as Trump was here and he lost, lost, lost.  House, senate, and presidency and hopefully he gets what justice looks far for a coward who tried to destroy the government to do what? He could never do anything of what he said he could do, But he gave money to the rich, and lower taxes which now the Republicans are making Ukraine pay for. The Budget went into the trillions but still, people without minds or sense of history blame the current government for spending money in Ukraine, etc.

This is all Biden's doing,  I hope he is man enough to make right.
