The Supremes Ruled Against Prosecutor Smith But Was it a Loss?

The way it was before Trump
Special Prosecutor is very versed on how the Supreme Court does its thing. The decision from the Supremes was they won't take the case of deciding whether Trump can be prosecuted as a lawbreaker that he is because he was President. 
So What Now? The second highest court in the land, the court of appeals gets to decide the case. The loser on that can then go to the Supremes. But if the Supremes decided not to take the case then whatever verdict the court of appeals rendered then it will stand. If the Supreme Court takes the case most think they will do it in an expedited case which is what Prosecutor Smith is asking.
This case is still on target for the spring of 2024 because the Court of Appeals agreed with Smith to do it expeditiously.

 y January there will be a verdict from the Court of Appeals and then we go to the final round. The supreme takes or not. Most people think they will take it.
Why did Smith being such an expert on the Supremes try to bypass the Court of Appeals? It's a win-win. If they took the case things would be on time but the Maga supreme in the court would have no excuse to be on Trump's side if the Court of Appeals goes against Trump. Why? There was the court of the D.C. District Voting Trump can be indicted and tried. Then if the Court of Appeals goes that way, how can the Supremes go against two such important courts to defend the guy that nominated them. They might not want Trump in and one day decide he wants to get rid of the Suprems, cut their salary or the Americans are going to be so pisssed they will demand new justices or something as crazy as Trump. With Trump in the mix you have to be careful how you make your bets but one thing is clear, people and people supreme or Senators, and is money and other jobs. If something in their minds endangers that, they will recoil like a damaged boomerang.
So, everything is still on. schedule for a Spring Trial, which is important because you want to get this mess behind us before the elections
