Final Word on Ukraine: Biden told Putin "You dont have a Soul”

The EU was stuck with one member (Hungary) who is a friend of Putin. He came to power after his nation had been admitted to the EU. But when this man was elected, his nation was fined many times for not following the rules as it pertains to LGBT rights and persecuting our people. Especially unions. If he is a friend of the czar in Russia you know he has to be anti-LGBT. 

The Europen Union an emergency meeting even though though they did not call it that, wanted to extend the invitation to Ukraine, Georgia, and other small nations that belonged to the USSR satellite of nations.  The President of Hungary, Viktor Orban opposed this and opposed a package the EU had for Ukraine involving many billions of dollars. This meant a lot being that the US was stuck over the republicans' friend of Trump and they were getting the signals from him to not approve money to Ukraine with the excuse of the border. The border problems had to be addressed first. It was all a game between Trump, Putin, and Orban.

Well This man Orban stood opposed to the EU and according to their rules what they do has to be approved by all members. Even Turkey was in line since they wanted the EU to get their weapons money now more than ever. And is more than weapons. The state of Ukraine needs to pay teachers, doctors, policemen, etc to keep the nation going. All those members of the EU put so much pressure on Orban and also they froze the money Hungary gets from the Union, Orban for whatever reason walked out. Now this man was out of the meeting the EU took a vote and unanimously voted billions to Ukraine but also to Extend the invitation to Ukraine to join the EU. This process takes years but it had to first commence and it did
Back in The US, it looked like the Dems were letting the Republicans beat them you know where so they could get the money tied to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.

That is the latest and Im not surprised we are not getting defined reporting from the American media. That is why Im here.

Enjoy your weekend my readers. Later on, I can explain what went on in the last 48 hours that kept me from writing updates to you. But I was informed and knew what was happening in the stories that right now affect so much our nation. Many don't know so if you don't know you don't care until it hits you like a Trump being President.

We need someone with John F Kennedy B*ls. We had nukes and so did Krusheve but his attitude was not " Let not offend Russia. His attitude was that he could not let them get away with what they wanted to do in Cuba with the missiles that at least we knew were coming. I know, Castro said they had already some nukes aimed at the US but that is beside the point. The importance of a confrontation is what is done in public, what people believe you are doing or not. We have been running away from Putin and giving weapons to Ukraine a year after they asked for them. Right now there should be 120 F16 protecting the air over Ukraine and not letting these hudloom keep destroying Ukraine's cities. Hope things change. If Biden had gone to the same school Putin went he would know when they are bluffing and when he is serious. Still, I have faith in Biden. He is the guy who told Putin to his face  I looked into his eyes and said I know you don't have a soul". Putin looked at him puzzled and said, " We understand each other"
