Stay with Adamfoxie Blog we give you the Meat Not the Turkey Bones


If you want to know what's going on in either Finland to Gaza, this site is for you. Sometimes we hold in posting why? Need to verify. Dont want to be the first with a lie and the internet is full of it. We also not going to rehash what they have told you and that information stood as truthful. In that case, I will personally look for what are we missing or that is verifiable. As for Information, we have PLENTY of it, but the thing is what can be verified by this site. I
 It can't be verified it stays as a draft or not. Stay with us we won't stir you wrong. We will hold on to posting if Im not sure is the truth. For 18 years we have been there for you. How come many don't know? We don't advertise... We did at the beginning but to me at least was a waste of money we did not have.
If there was no love for the community I was born in, this would not be worth it. But I asked what I could do? I found out I could do this!

Adam Gonzalez. writer and publisher for Adamforxie Blog
