The Republicans are so Mad Biden Had LGBT Get together at White House(short memories)

Those homophobes are short of memories because with the exception of Trump, President Obama and Biden have done it every year. has done it since Pres. Obam. It's not new but they already decided to make the community fight all over against for our victories.

06/12/2023 | 
Republican lawmakers are up in arms after President Joe Biden held a Pride celebration on the South Lawn of the White House on Saturday and flew the progress pride flag from the Truman Balcony. Multiple GOP lawmakers falsely claimed that Biden violated the U.S. flag code by displaying the pride flag prominently at the celebration, where hundreds of people gathered to celebrate the LGBTQ community and voice support for LGBTQ rights. “This is a disgrace,” Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS) tweeted, referring to the pride flag flying between two American flags on the Truman Balcony. “Not only is it in breach of US Flag Code, but it’s a glaring example of this White Houses’ incompetence and insistence on putting their social agenda ahead of patriotism.”
