New Changes, History for Adamfoxie



In 2009 Adamfoxie Blog International was in full swing having been testing the idea on Facebook with the Adamfoxie* Blogspot name.

What I notice when I bought to keep the name and registered it and paid for an independent site having nothing to do with Social Media. I went to Blogger which was the biggest and with the best reputation of the hundreds of sites asking you to become a blogger and they will help you open a site connected to them.

I notice I was getting people hitting on the name but they were international and they were enough from different nations not to be ignored. I asked a few friends how they would feel if I added International to the name. Everyone agreed including me that I just needed to change it to Adamfoxie Blog International and hope people would not get confused thinking it was a different site.

I went with Blogger because of the independence. Bloggers have gone through different changes and are not what it was because people discovered that blogging is not for everyone. You are not going to have followers unless you work it like a regular job. Actually, I started blogging in 1996 under different names but quit because of an accident I had when I had a horse. My accident was similar to Christopher Reeve's. 
When the horse threw me I landed on my back and that is what got the falling impact. There was a lot of loose dirt so that broke a lot of the impact. Instead of the horse running away was having a fit with his hooves as if he was trying to kill a snake or something foreign. He had no idea it was me who ended up in between his four legs. That went on for a few seconds I guess but it feels like long minutes because I was trying to protect my head and legs.

My legs lost and this almost 2k horse stepped on my ankle. Now he got more scare but my yelling at me calling out his name made him decide to run away from me. The pain and the recovery from the operation on my ankle left no time to pay attention to the world.

So this is 2022 and I'm still here. I'm here because I did not want to leave readers up in the air. Every time I was going to fully retired something happens in which a certain part of our gay and non-gay population need information. This year is been the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. 

The changes you see on the site used to happen every new year but because of Covid, I'm behind. The posting of stories has become more of the more serious stuff and more open without pulling punches.

Adamfoxie is changing but remains to publish serious news that sometimes does not get much coverage in the main media. I don't like reposting what everybody is writing about so if I write about the same subject is going to be something important and which not receive much attention. You might ask why sometimes there are no stories specifically about LGBTQ. It's true except it will be something that I feel does affect us. But first and foremost I scan and look for world news about LGBTQ. If the stories are being covered in the gay media then are being covered, so I go to another important story about current events.

Hope you like the new colors, you can tell me if you don't and I take suggestions, also.

Wishing the end of the invasion of Ukraine and feel for them and for all of you Internationally and in the United States my home country. 

Hope we become documented on what is happening so for not knowing we won't get a man without scruples who have gotten together for that minority of people who do not like our form of government to change our government even after he was voted out. The government is not perfect and it needs many improvements but it has been improving since form in 1776. Change it to a man that can't stop lying and making friends with men like Putin, this used to be called_Traitor. A man or woman who goes against their oath. Who joins the side that wants us to be like them, who jumps ship, and joins the opposing army, what do you call him a coward, sending others to get hurt and pay the price for what he wants while he is protected by the same government he wants to overthrow. I'm going to leave you with a quote from a smart lady who watches how the government works. I disagree with her on her last sentence. I wonder how you feel?

Elaine Kamarck Said: "Never before have we had a president who schemed to overturn legitimate election results, who attacked the press and the civil servants who worked for him, who admired dictators, who blatantly profited from his public office, and who repeatedly lied to the public for his own selfish purposes. But while Trump’s four years of rhetoric have been a shock to democratic norms, did they inflict permanent damage on our democracy? My answer is a qualified no. The guardrails of democracy held. The institutions designed to check autocracy are intact".

Sincerely yours, 
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