He Can't Walk, But He Can Talk Made up BS, He Lost Primary ,He is One Less Moron in Congress

Madison Cawthorn(the name sounds expensive) yes they got money but stupid as Wood

Lynn E. and Adam Gonalez

Are you disappointed that the GOP has lost a great young star now that Madison Cawthorn lost in the primary in North Carolina?
He has a great face for politics. And the wheelchair suggests that maybe he was a military hero or something.

But in fact, the wheelchair injury is from:

In 2014, at age 18, Cawthorn was seriously injured while returning from a spring-break trip to Florida. He was riding as a passenger in a BMW X3 SUV near Daytona Beach, Florida when his friend Bradley Ledford fell asleep at the wheel. The SUV crashed into a concrete barrier while Cawthorn's feet were on the dashboard.

And beyond the pretty face is a man with the equivalent of about a 4th-grade education.

This is Adam Gonzalez: If I have learned nothing in life I have learned one thing and he belongs on my radar as a rainbow bleep but he is anti-gay, yes and that is the mother that gives birth to 95% of all gays.

      I never commented because this is no longer a suitable statement still you will need a lawyer. It is one way for me to get famous but the thing is I never wanted to be famous just never ignored.  If he looks military, let me say I have more schooling than him and since I was in the Boy Scouts and Joined the navy but changed my mind before shipping out, I was a Seminary boy I could do that. Same with NYC Patrolman I have more military than him. Then How come the wheelchair? Read on ...On January 6th of 2021, Madison was inciting the crowd, and afterward, when he knew he was safe this is after the S8 hit the fan when Trump finished his speech and said "I will meet you there" and the armed crowd moved in to break the doors and windows to let everyone in then he hid. The crowd would not hit an invalid right/ Not on that day, those people's mothers if they were not there they were not safe. He was on TV on the 7th and so on saying the crowds were heroes. Heroes just like him I think

“He was home-schooled in Hendersonville, North Carolina, through 12th grade. During the fall 2016 semester, Cawthorn attended Patrick Henry College, studying political science, but earned mostly D grades and dropped out.”

He misspelled his own name in official communication:

And then there’s his anti-gay rhetoric: He married and divorced (a woman) in the course of 8 months while proclaiming that liberals are destroying the family, and then images and receipts of him likely engaging in gay sexual experiences were released.

So yeah, he’s a problem child. Plus he claimed to have been invited to coke-fueled orgies by older Republican members of Congress.

So, an idiot. 
