ProGolfer Thomas Gilbert Comes Out

The top Canadian player, Gilbert said it’s an important step for his sport.

Thomas Gilbert, a professional disc golfer, had a simple message written above his photo on an Instagram post this weekend: “I’m gay.” 

Gilbert, 22 from Toronto, is the top-ranked Canadian disc golfer, with 23 wins and $47,000 in career earnings. The sport uses basically the same rules as golf, with players throwing a disc into a metal basket instead of putting a ball into a hole. He has been playing the sport for six years and at the elite level for the past three years.

He told Outsports that the reaction has “been all positive,” which is reflected in the 14,445 likes for his Instagram post and more than 1,200 comments, many adorned with a red heart. 

“Over the past year I have come out to my family and close friends and figured it was time to go public since I am the first male athlete at the elite level to do so,” Gilbert said. “I also think it was a very big step for the sport of disc golf.”

You can follow Gilbert on Instagram.
