For The People SS forgot, Veterans, SS Retirees, Disable and Seniors
decided to forget those who paid taxes but had retired due to age or disability or served the country as a vet.
They took the first four weeks of the authorization signed by president Biden to send the $1400plus to those who are still working. Why? Well you will have to put that one together yourself, as for me I think is the Republican dogma that people who don't work because they are done working due to retirenment or disability do not deserve more money than they get because they already get too much. The Republicans in congress will die thinking that since most of them die rich and collecting from the government, And some of the GOP American voter will believe that until they retire or become disable and have to smell the coffee without cream.
Thanks to a few Dems in Congress who directly comunicated with Social security asking for those payments made the Social Security to send the files to the IRS the next day (wao!) to verify and send the money out. If you have not received it you should get it no latter thaan April 7 (unless there is some hold for some reason).
Warning; A lot of people thanks to COVID owe money. From rent to credit cards, etc. Your SS payments can not be held unless to pay the federal government, But econgress decided to leave this payment open to be taken by your creditors with a court order to the bank (easy to get if you are a comapny). So if that is the case, I for my self would not leave the money laying around for anybody, be the creditors or othet thieves to take that money you need so badly! I can't tell you what to do but Im sure you can figure out what to do. You can ask your bank, google for information from the governemnt or lawyers (the matress? bad idea).
You could help this ite with a small donation before we g out the way of the dinosours.
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