Am I Unattractive, or Just Unlucky? (Advice column)
No one is completely unattractive or totally beautiful. We are all composed of various traits. Some good some not so much. There is much we can control like being fit, keeping hair nice and other parts of the visible body as nice as one can.
However there are things that are tougher to change of make it look attractive. Not counting any disability which is a different subject alltogether. He/she might have a real long nose beauty eyes, big lips, no lips etc., etc. Those things do not make peple totally ugly. I have seen so many cute, physicly nice looking people with someone just the opposite. Im sure you have also.
So, what is the secret? No secret but attitudes. as long as you think you are ugly and repulsive, you wil be to others. People that have lucked out have done so because they have taken their good points and we ALL have good points, they have taken those and elevate them to cover something you might not be so proud about. But you most start by dropping the “Im so ugly” stuff. You need to know yourself and like yourself as a person. The ugliness inside eventually comes out and so the goodness. The goodness can be out all the time by the smile and lack of temper tantrums, selfishness. And remember people notice the small unselfish deeds than the big ones even though they don’t let you know but they see it. So if you stocked up of toilet paper leaving few or none in the supermarket, rest assured people noticed.
You most also believe. Believe in you and that the goodness in you will atract someone who is like you. You most open up and let others enter and see good stuff. No you dont carry or recite a resume but if you are good, t shows. Many good looking people are looking for trust, companionship, loyalty. However if you are just looking for beauty, you just might not find it. Also beauty outside does not man beauty inside.
There is also “as the world turns” which simply means that we need to be at the right place at the right time. Which just means that just hiding home wont do it. You need to quietly sell ypurself without appearing to and only with truth. If you lack good traits, then try to acquire them, even if you have to visit a Phychologist.
I’ve had three long term relationships of people that were not ugly , yet given the chance I will gladly go back and re-do those. Wasted too much time with the wrong people. Many people that have had a few bad relationships will tell you is better to be alone than with the wrong person because they can break you or damage you and then it wil take a long time for you just to be where you were before, if you do recover at all.
Lastly, if you want something bad enough chances are you will get it. And remember if you never had someone in your life and you met someone, don’t scare the hell out of them by wrapping ropes around them thinking that otherwise they will walk away. Do not sofocate them.