When is the Worse Time to Make enemies?
Let starts this week and the new month loaded with dangers and pit falls for all us, with a light moment. If things go the right wrong way and some people decide they will give it to the man! Which in this case the man would be the rest of the nation, then we, for sure will be sore for 4 years and would have gotten no pleasure of this insertion of a sick in individual into the nation's rectum with his little thing which it has been established by some that the small and thin hursts more than the well endowed.
I already know everything is upside down when I have been asked for a date by two good looking guys, the only problem is that they are younger, mid twenties. That bother me a little and that has been my situation always. Of coarse I know why older ones are relctant because Im more reluctant because thye are always widowers who already gave them all and look like they have no more physicly. Same age are taken or live too far away and then the ones that are willing to take a chance are the cute younger ones. So my point is when my personal live becomes weird so does the politics of the nation. Im sure is a coincidence and remeber I wrote this posting was light.
Please vote early in person if you can, stay safe and if you are reading this your karma should know mine loves you who ever yourarewhere ever you are. *Oh, I wanted to make a story of the following but too late now and is about our readers in Russia. There were days they were comparable to the people reading this blog in the U.S which means alot because I blog from New York. But as soon as I write something truthfull following the facts about one of Putin's enemies being poisoned or a report from our FBI that Putin is involved in our election, the hits from Russia instead of 500+ hundred in a given day is 0. It's been 0 for two days.
Now the badass thing.............................:::::::
What is the most badass thing a historical figure has ever said?
My personal favorite is the last words of author Voltaire. While he was on his deathbed, his family summoned a priest to ask him to renounce Satan and receive last rites. When the question was put to him, he replied “Now, now, my good man, this is no time for making enemies.”