The Man Lies and Sways But Lies More

Trump has a hell of a time walking down slopes. The tent prevented a bad photo op of the shaky old man struggling to descend the ramp.

Trump suffers from “swayback” (lordosis). His lower spine bends inward. This is complicated by his enormous whale belly and two inch elevator shoes. This is why he seems to constantly be leaning forward.

His arms dangle like an orangutans’.

See Trump's swayback?

Lordosis is congenital. Trump was born that way. His bone spur scam was unnecessary. The draft would have rejected him for being a swayback.

When you or I walk uphill, it is easy to bend forward. But the human body is not well suited to descending slopes - leaning backward is unnatural, almost impossible for Trump.

Trump needs a handrail and has to to shuffle his feet to descend a ramp. He is at risk of losing his footing and rolling down the ramp like a tumbling walrus - bad photo op! If he tried to take normal steps, he would look like this guy:
