Homophobe(Afraid of being gay)Brandon Lloyd Complaints Men's Locker is Too Gay for Him
Sometimes talk about any type of sex can be disruptive at work. On the other hand if your job is very stressful particularly if its stressful with both your mind and bodyalike, a football player for instance, guys will find ways to unwind as they get out of the unifom and become civilians again. I enjoyed these comments from this former receiver from the N.E. Patriots because he is always had complaints about gays and the field. Now is the talk but the talk is particularly interesting becaue the way he said it as a straight man he describbed precisely how a gay person in that locker room is going to feel. Be a player or a towel boy or someone not into sex at all (as we learned sex is not enjoyed by everyone).
When I was young I used to fake it; When I became older I would not engage in the conversation and it made people think wether I was gay or not but since I never look like the guy that can be bullied things will not go anywhere; When I was really comfortable about my self I would have a manager like me or even above me talk about what he did on his date with the girl, wife etc., then I would tell him what I did on my date, even if I had to make it up🤣. Only fair I would say if I heard a complaint.
Brandon Lloyd, a receiver with the Patriots in 2012, said in the podcast series that his locker that season was between those of Hernandez and tight end Rob Gronkowski. Lloyd said in the podcast fellow receiver Wes Welker “warned” him about Hernandez when Lloyd got to the team.
“‘He’s going to have his genitalia out in front of you while you’re sitting on your stool,’” Lloyd said Welker warned him. “‘He’s going to have his towel and try to dry off in front of you while you’re sitting at your locker. He’s going to talk about gay sex. Just do your best to ignore it, even walk away.’”
To be sure, “gayness” was a part of the Patriots locker room, according to Lloyd.
“We played gay all the time. We played grab-ass, flippin’ towels, all the cheesy stuff that happens in sports movies where they lampoon an NFL or sports locker room. It happens.”
Given Lloyd played for six different NFL teams over the course of 11 seasons, I imagine it’s safe to say Foxborough wasn’t the only place he saw this.
Yet Lloyd said Hernandez’s behavior took the playful homoeroticism to a place that made some guys feel uncomfortable.
“But the things he was talking about was more-so, it was more graphic than us slapping each other on the ass and laughing and giggling like normally happens in a male locker room.”
Lloyd’s comments are enlightening for a couple of reasons. We will never know if Hernandez was gay, bi, queer or any other letter of our community. The man’s dead and only he can tell us. Yet it’s clear the guys in the Patriots locker room felt he wasn’t just another straight guy. And with him in the locker room they continued to play “grab ass,” slap each other’s bare asses and act, as Lloyd called it, “gay.”
As we’ve said for years, having a gay, bi or queer teammate in the locker room just is not a big deal to most guys today, or even, in this case, at least six years ago.
Yet the other piece of the puzzle — Welker’s warning, Lloyd’s seeming unease with Hernandez’s “gay talk” — also points to a dynamic that it’s all fun and games between the guys as long as it doesn’t go TOO far. Talk about actual gay sex might make all the “grab ass” just a little too gay for some guys.
I can pretty much understand where they’re coming from. Talk about sex between men and women certainly makes just about anything way too straight for me.