Who The F* Are You ?~~ Douglas Levinson~~ How To Follow Your Dreams in NYC~~

A Powerful Video that will show what it takes to follow your dreams in NYC 🌇


Everyone has a different definition of success, but here in New York City, sometimes just getting through the damn day can feel like an incredible achievement. On a fundamental level, you're "making it" here as long as you're still up and active, still doing the work, even if nobody sees it. You should feel proud you're still hacking away at it (whatever it is!) in the face of all of New York's abrasiveness. Like when you're just trying to practice your trumpet in some corner somewhere and the world's angriest NYU Film School graduate makes it his mission to crush your dreams into dust, SUCKA.

This Sunday, October 14th, marks the fifth anniversary of the short YouTube masterpiece "trumpet fight." If you've never seen it before, stop reading right now and experience all its seething glory for yourself, you miserable presumptuous no talent:

 Yeah, that's the stuff.
To honor the perseverance and true grit that defines real New York City artists, we hereby declare October 14th International "You're Talented And Not A Disgrace And You Do Not Suck Day." (This is not intended to take anything away from the other October 14th holiday World Standards Day, which honors all those experts who develop standards.)

So get out there this Sunday and celebrate You're Talented And Not A Disgrace And You Do Not Suck Day! Dance in the subway or slap on your clown makeup or grab a musical instrument or a paint brush or just start singing. Show the haters that they have no power to stop you, no matter how many times they walked Bob Dylan up on stage in 1975.
And have a great weekend, SUCKA.
