How Donald Trump Sexualized His Daughter Ivanka In a Howard Stern Interview "My Daddy Dear"

Morality is not determined by the church you attend nor the faith you embrace. It is determined by the quality of your character and the positive impact you have on those you meet along your journey

 Yes, father and daughter. This picture is repeated many times with Ivanka as an adult. He gave it to marriage the way fathers in the far east give their daughters away, by getting something from it, to make their empires, or rich families richer. Trump and the Kushners were doing the same thing in NYC and wherever they could get away with. It made sense to do it together, as long as Trump was the top in this relationship. But to give his daughter away called for more than money. It took a man to Trump but one that could not compete with "Dad.' It took a femme man with almost no voice. Yes, a brain similar to Trump in how to do business which he learns from his dad which went to jail for it and Trump learned it from his dad just as well and his father almost did serious time for it too.
Kushner is just a fly on Donald's lapel. For his beautiful "sexy girl with curves," only daddy could be her man!

This is how CHRISTIAN HOLUB  from Entertainment described the tape:
Before he was president of the United States, Donald Trump was a celebrity. He became a reality TV star with The Apprentice, and even before that Trump was known as a colorful Manhattan socialite and real-estate tycoon. In those capacities, he was an occasional guest on Howard Stern’s radio show over the years. In the next episode of David Letterman’s Netflix talk show My Next Guest Needs No Introduction, Stern reflects on his memories of interviewing Trump.
“To me, a guest who comes on and says anything that is in his mind is a great guest,” Stern says. “He would get on, and no matter what I asked him, he would answer in a very sincere and thought-out way.”
In particular, Stern says he and Trump used to discuss famous and beautiful women. While Stern would credit the beauty of actresses like Angelina Jolie, he said Trump took a different view.
“He goes, straight face, ‘First of all, the great beauties, Howard, are not actresses. It’s models. Anyone who works in the entertainment industry, I’ve only seen 6s and 7s,'” Stern quoted Trump as saying. “So I’d be like, well Donald, I think Angelina Jolie is a great beauty. ‘7!’ He’d go, ‘You know who’s a great beauty?’ I’d go, ‘Who?’ ‘My daughter, Ivanka! Now she’s a 10.’ So we’d have these discussions.”
“Oh my,” Letterman said. 
